
Photographer Uses Backyard Shed to Shoot Gorgeous Natural Light Portraits

Calgary-based portrait photographer and YouTuber Irene Rudnyk recently put together a photo shoot that's getting some well-deserved attention. Using just the shed in her backyard and the natural light pouring in, she was able to capture some gorgeous fashion portraits that imitate a popular in-studio lighting setup.

This Entire Music Video Was Shot in One Take… Backwards

Rock/Americana artists Lake and Lyndale spent the past 4 months preparing for a very special music video shoot. Front woman Channing Marie learned the entire single "There's a Weight" backwards, so they could film the whole thing in one reverse take. Take that OK Go.

Shooting Video with a 100-Year-Old Kodak Vest Pocket Lens

A few weeks ago, we showed you how one photographer retrofitted a 100-year-old Kodak Vest Pocket lens onto his Canon DSLR to photograph the rodeo. Now, YouTuber Mathieu Stern has created a similar setup that allowed him to to capture some very unique video footage.

This is the World’s First Solargraphy Timelapse

Solargraphy is a technique for photographing the sun's path through the sky by using a pinhole camera to expose photographic paper for anywhere from a few hours to over a year. Photographer Sam Cornwell has created what he believes is the world's first solargraphy timelapse.

This Handmade ‘Ultimate Photography Portfolio’ Took 18 Months to Build

NYC fashion and commercial photographer Dani Diamond recently embarked on a mission to create "The Ultimate Photography Portfolio." By combining his love of photography with his skills as a woodworker and about 18 months of design & development, he was able to create something truly unique: a wooden, leather-bound, laser-engraved, 11x17-inch portfolio that's unlike anything we've seen before.

These Working Cameras Were Made With the Strangest Things

Brendan Barry is a UK-based large format photographer who has a curious passion for creating working cameras out of the most random everyday objects you could think of. ILFORD featured his work earlier this year, and here's a look at some of his cameras and the photos they shoot.

3 Ways to Use Plexiglass for Creative Portraits

As a portrait photographer, it can often be difficult to keep thing interesting in the studio. Adding a unique element to your images can help them stand out while also allowing you to have little fun. The unique element that I added for my most recent shoot was just a simple piece of plexiglass. Here are three ways you can use a sheet of plexiglass and some simple household supplies to unleash your inner creative.

These Light Painting Photos Were Shot by Splashing in Water

Light-painting photographer Denis Smith is perhaps best known for creating giant spheres of light in photos. For his latest series, titled "Liquid Light," Smith brought his light tools into waist-deep water for beautiful photos of light bursting forth from the surface.

Adobe Made a Quiz That Reveals What Creative Type You Are

Adobe just launched a fun little online quiz that helps creatives figure out their creative type. The "simple and relatable yet robust and science-informed creative personality assessment" is inspired by popular personality tests such as the Myers-Briggs and the Enneagram.

5 Macro Photo Ideas to Shoot at Home

Want to get creative without leaving the comfort of your own home? Here's a 5-minute video by COOPH that contains 5 ideas for macro photographs you can do with a small budget, simple gear, and everyday items.

Creative Lighting Using an Optical Snoot

I am always looking for new and easy ways to light part of an object or create interesting light in an image, and I think I have found the perfect tool for just that and so much more! Pixapro's Optical Snoot has opened up a more efficient way to be able to do this.

The World’s First Etch A Sketch Camera

Self-taught programmer Martin Fitzpatrick of Two Bit Arcade has created the world's first Etch A Sketch digital camera. It captures digital photos and then outputs them by drawing them onto the Pocket Etch A Sketch "screen" found on the back.

I Photographed My 5-Year-Old Girl as Captain Marvel

My daughter loves female superheroes and I love making her superhero dreams come true. The other day she literally thought she was a superhero. She came home from school one day and told us that her friends had made fun of her because of her worn down shoes. To my surprise, she didn't seem too affected and so I kept asking for more details. After all, she is a 5-year-old who makes up a bunch of stories anyway, and I wanted to get to the bottom of it.

This Guy Makes Creative Reversed Videos by Talking Backwards

Lithuanian filmmaker and musician Saulius Jegelevičius has a creative and unusual YouTube channel called Backward Picnic. Instead of complex editing or effects, each of the videos is simply footage played backwards... and Saulius talks backwards while recording to speak "forwards" English in the videos.

Film Photos Captured with 5 Seconds of Sound Before and After

Photographer Mario Cipriano has started a new project titled "Light Sounds Light" using a technique he calls audiophotography. Cipriano is using a digital audio recorder to capture the sound context behind each of his film photos, resulting in a fascinating way of experiencing the photographer's work.