The 30 Comedy Pet Photo Awards Finalists Are Adorable and Hilarious

Three playful images of animals enjoying snow: a dog jumping exuberantly, a cat with its tail sticking up while half-buried, and a rabbit with only its ears visible above the snow.

Satisfying the large cross-section of people who love their pets and enjoy a hearty laugh, the annual Comedy Pet Photo Awards is a consistent and prolific source of joy. The finalists for the 2024 competition have been unveiled, starring athletic dogs, troublesome cats, and all manner of other hilarious pets.

“We are delighted to reveal this year’s bumper crop of Comedy Pet Finalists,” says the Comedy Pet Photo team. “And they are wonderful!”

There are 30 finalists, and only one can be crowned the overall winner. The overall best image will get £500 (about $630), a bespoke trophy, and a Think Tank Photo bag.

However, alongside the competition winner selected by the panel of judges, there will also be a People’s Choice winner chosen by pet photo fans. All 30 finalists are eligible for the People’s Choice Award, and votes can be cast now. Any eligible person who votes and leaves their email address alongside their selection will also be up for a $125 cash prize.

All 30 finalists are seen below, alongside their often-humorous titles and the photographer’s name.

A brown and white dog joyfully leaping into the air on a sandy beach under a cloudy sky.
‘Dancing Queen’ by Vera Faupel | 2024 Comedy Pet Photo Awards
A ginger cat's tail sticking out as it squeezes under a concrete slab, with its body mostly hidden from view.
‘Cat In a Trap. Like Super Mario,’ by Kenichi Morinaga | 2024 Comedy Pet Photo Awards
A young white fluffy cat sits against a grey background, playfully raising one paw as if waving or reaching for something. Its eyes look alert and curious.
‘Um Excuse Me’ by Chantal Sammons | 2024 Comedy Pet Photo Awards
A joyful dog leaps high into the air on a bright sunny day, playfully catching snowflakes as snow bursts around it, against a vivid blue sky with white clouds.
‘Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting’ by Sylvia Michel | 2024 Comedy Pet Photo Awards
Two kittens playing with a roll of toilet paper on a kitchen counter, with one kitten unrolling it and the other observing.
‘Hard Workers’ by Atsuyuki Ohshima | 2024 Comedy Pet Photo Awards
A dog's head peeking through a small white pet door labeled "Cat Mate," humorously contrasting the intended pet use.
‘Not Just for Cats’ by Sarah Haskell | 2024 Comedy Pet Photo Awards
A cat leaping in mid-air to catch a yellow ribbon in a room with wood flooring and a light curtain. The cat is suspended horizontally, displaying agility.
‘Tarzan’ by Kazutoshi Ono | 2024 Comedy Pet Photo Awards
A cat's ears peek above a snowy surface, with a sunburst and a snow-covered cabin surrounded by pine trees in the background.
‘Peek a Boo’ by Sylvia Michel | 2024 Comedy Pet Photo Awards
A brown horse grazing in a lush green pasture surrounded by trees, with a mountainous backdrop and a partial view of rural buildings.
What Am I Thinking’ by David Kertzman | 2024 Comedy Pet Photo Awards
A brown curly-haired dog chasing a transparent bubble in a sunny garden with vibrant blue flowers in the background.
‘It’s Behind You’ by Philippa Huber | 2024 Comedy Pet Photo Awards
Two cats outdoors; an orange cat grooms the head of a white and gray cat sitting in a sand pit surrounded by rocks and green foliage.
‘You Didn’t Hear This From Me’ by Kenichi Morinaga | 2024 Comedy Pet Photo Awards
Close-up of a Yorkshire Terrier with glossy tan and black fur, looking directly at the camera with alert, perky ears.
‘Grumpy Dog’ by Luiza Riberio | 2024 Comedy Pet Photo Awards
A cozy kitchen counter with hanging utensils and a kitten playfully inside a small woven basket, surrounded by a copper tea kettle and pots.
‘Kitty in the Kitchen’ by Atsyuki Ohshima | 2024 Comedy Pet Photo Awards
A curious tabby cat perched on a couch backrest, facing and touching noses with a fluffy brown toy dog in a well-lit living room.
‘Who Are You’ by Silvia Jiang | 2024 Comedy Pet Photo Awards
A joyful moment on a windy beach with a woman and a fluffy dog, both with hair blown by the wind, smiling and enjoying the breezy weather together.
‘Curls in the Wind’ by Julia Illig | 2024 Comedy Pet Photo Awards
A donkey with its mouth wide open, as if braying, poking its head out of a stable window with a dark background.
‘Tired Donkey’ by Charlotte Kitchen | 2024 Comedy Pet Photo Awards
Two cats by a door; a striped cat stands on hind legs peeking outside, and a white cat sits beside it, both looking out a bright window.
‘You Keep Watch’ by Yasudu Aburanekomaru | 2024 Comedy Pet Photo Awards
A fluffy white dog with its hair covering its eyes, mouth wide open mid-bark or yawn. The tag on its collar reads "LOLA." The background is a soft, dark gray.
‘Peekaboo’ by Bernard Sim | 2024 Comedy Pet Photo Awards
Two cats standing upright on their hind legs on a cushioned surface, looking over a green fence. One is a sleek gray and the other is a brown tabby, both appearing curious or attentive.
‘Nosey Neighbors’ by Emma Beardsmore | 2024 Comedy Pet Photo Awards
A cat with striking yellow eyes peering out from underneath a gray, woolly blanket, its face partially hidden, creating a playful and mysterious look.
‘Belly Dancer Style’ by Vittorio Ricci | 2024 Comedy Pet Photo Awards
A tortoise nibbling on a bright pink flower, showcasing details of its textured shell and scaly head against a blurred natural background.
‘New Rose’ by Jonathan Casey | 2024 Comedy Pet Photo Awards
A brown dog with a shiny coat and droopy ears looks thoughtfully at the camera, a blurred car and house in the background, conveying a warm, serene setting.
‘Really!!’ by Anna Petro | 2024 Comedy Pet Photo Awards
A fluffy brown poodle mid-jump over a sidewalk, with its ears and curly fur bouncing in the air, looking directly at the camera with a focused expression.
‘I Believe I Can Fly’ by Julie Smith | 2024 Comedy Pet Photo Awards
Two cats, one gray and the other calico, sniff the ground together on a sunlit road with blurry homes in the background.
‘Kitten Stuck in Traffic’ by Tomoaki Tanto | 2024 Comedy Pet Photo Awards
A dark brown horse with flowing black mane and tail, mid-leap over a grassy field, showcasing muscular strength and agility, with a blurred fence and trees in the background.
‘I Think I Saw a Mouse’ by Debby Thomas | 2024 Comedy Pet Photo Awards
A small, fluffy dog with snow clumps on its fur joyfully runs through a snowy yard, its ears flapping and a playful expression on its face.
‘It’s FU Cold’ by Tammo Zelle | 2024 Comedy Pet Photo Awards
A small hamster lying on its back, peacefully sleeping under a wooden log structure with its tiny paws raised and nestled in soft bedding.
‘Sun Lover’ by Alina Vogel | 2024 Comedy Pet Photo Awards
A cat cautiously approaching a rubber duck floating on the edge of a swimming pool, with its reflection visible in the water and tall reeds in the background.
‘Pool Friends’ by Diann C. Johnson | 2024 Comedy Pet Photo Awards
Close-up of a playful golden cocker spaniel looking directly at the camera with its hair tousled and ears flying up, giving a joyful and whimsical expression.
‘It’s Time to Get Up’ by Lock Liu | 2024 Comedy Pet Photo Awards
A cheerful elderly man with curly gray hair holding a small black and white dog, both smiling at the camera, against a blurred green foliage background.
‘The Proud Pup and His Best Friend’ by Darya Zelentsova | 2024 Comedy Pet Photo Awards

The final winner will be announced on June 6.

Image credits: Photos courtesy of Comedy Pet Photo Awards. Individual photographers are listed in the image captions.
