The World’s First Etch A Sketch Camera
Self-taught programmer Martin Fitzpatrick of Two Bit Arcade has created the world’s first Etch A Sketch digital camera. It captures digital photos and then outputs them by drawing them onto the Pocket Etch A Sketch “screen” found on the back.
Fitzpatrick calls his creation the “Etch-A-Snap.”
If you’re used to “chimping” your photos, you’ll need a great deal of patience to do so with the Etch-A-Snap: it takes up to an hour for the photo to be processed and then sketched onto the rear screen (depending on the complexity of the photo).
And when you’re ready to shoot a new photo, you simply “delete” the previous one by pointing the camera’s screen down and giving it a good shake.
Here’s a short 1.5-minute video in which Fitzpatrick introduces the camera and shows it shooting and displaying a photo (thankfully, as a timelapse):
If you’re handy with coding and gadgetry, Fitzpatrick has published a full write-up of his project with 3D files for the parts and code files for the brains.
(via Two Bit Arcade via Gizmodo)