
Think Tank Photo Pixel Pocket Rocket

Think Tank’s Updated Memory Card Wallets Protect Your Precious Photos

Coincidentally, less than a day after PetaPixel's editor-in-chief Jaron Schneider touted the benefits and quality of his trusted Think Tank's Pixel Pocket Rocket memory card holders in an internal Slack chat, Think Tank has announced an across-the-board update to its Pocket Rocket memory card and battery wallets products.

Lexar CFexpress Type B Gold Series memory card

Lexar’s New CFexpress Type B Gold Series Cards Are Fast and Up to 2TB

Lexar has announced new CFexpress Type B Gold Series memory cards ranging from 128GB to 2TB capacities. The CFexpress Type B Gold Series cards join Lexar's existing CFexpress Type B Diamond Series cards, with the former offering expanded capacity options at lower prices in exchange for only a slight dip in minimum sustained performance.