
15 Hours Inside a Small Photo Blind

Everything outside the small photo blind is silent except for the two ravens perched on the top of a dead tree cawing and a few flies quietly buzzing around. I've mounted the 500mm lens on the camera and pointed it towards the pine trees far away. My huge, directional Sennheiser microphone is aimed in the same direction.

The Blind Photographer Who Uses His Camera to See the World

Apple just launched a new ad campaign called "Behind the Mac," featuring stories of how people are using the company's gadgets and technology in special ways. One of the creatives featured is photographer Bruce Hall, who's legally blind. You can watch his feature in this 1-minute ad.

Facebook’s New AI Tool Helps Blind People ‘See’ Photos

For us sighted folk, it's difficult to imagine an image-less Facebook News Feed, where a screen reader tells you that your friend uploaded a photo... and nothing more. But thanks to Facebook's new "automatic alternate text" tool and the power of artificial intelligence, that reality is no more.

My Journey as a Legally Blind Pro Photographer

My photography journey started a little differently from most because I was going into it with a handicap right off the bat. It was always a thought that I may not be able to make this work, and that I'd fail miserably, and nobody wants that. From birth, I’ve had a disability that you’d think would make me the last person to get into photography: I’m legally blind.

Video: Blind Photographer Shows Us What it Really Means to ‘See’

Australian-based photographer Brendon Borellini sees the world differently than most of us. In fact, he doesn’t really see it at all. This is because Borellini was born with congenital deafness and partial blindness, which has since turned into complete blindness.

You're probably thinking to yourself that these disabilities aren’t exactly conducive to becoming a photographer, but Borellini has overcome them, making the most of every ounce of life doing what he loves.

Blind Photographer Pete Eckert Describes How He Sees and Captures the World

When Pete Eckert found out he was going to lose his sight to retinitis pigmentosa 27 years ago, he was well on his way to becoming an architect, receiving acceptances from graduate programs. It was also around this time that he discovered his mother's old camera.

He's now an award-winning photographer, and in the above short by The Avant/Garde Diaries, he describes how he sees the world and uses his photography to create "a bridge between the world of the blind and sighted."

Indian School Trains Blind Photographers in ‘Non-Retinal Art’

Take away the visual element from photography and what have you got?

Quite a lot, according to Partho Bhowmick, founder of the Blind With Camera project in Mumbai, India, which to date has taught more than 500 blind people how to express themselves through photography (you can find a gallery here).

How One Photographer Rediscovered His Passion After Going Legally Blind

Photographer Gary Albertson calls himself "the luckiest unlucky guy in the world." In 2010, after decades spent shooting the outdoors, he developed a rare form of glaucoma that has left him with little more than a circle of peripheral vision in each eye. But after some time away from the camera he's come back stronger than ever, creating photography so stunning he's attracted the attention of a Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist.

Interview with Visually Impaired Fine Art Photographer Craig Royal

Craig Royal is an award-winning fine art photographer based in Tampa, Florida. Visit his website here.

PetaPixel: Can you tell us a little about yourself and your background?

Craig Royal: I'm a visually impaired fine art photographer. I'm legally blind due to a congenital form of optic nerve atrophy. I have been legally blind since birth. My vision had been 20/200 corrected up until 1992, when a white blind spot began to develop in the center of my visual field in both eyes.

Tommy Edison: Instagrammer, Film Critic, and Blind Since Birth

Tommy Edison is an incredible person. Born blind, he has managed to lead a successful, fulfilling life as a film critic, receiving national attention for his spot on reviews of movies like "Water for Elephants." But in addition to successfully reviewing a genre most would consider to be in the domain of the sighted, Mr. Edison is also a prolific Instagram user.

The Surreal Light Painting Photography of a Blind Photographer

Sonia Soberats' journey in photography didn't start until she couldn't see the photographs she was producing. Around two decades ago, she lost her eyesight to glaucoma between losing her son to Hodgkin's disease and her daughter to ovarian cancer. At the turn of the century, Soberats began taking photography lessons in New York City as a form of therapy and self-expression. Her technique of choice? Light painting.

Image Sensor Implants Used as Makeshift Eyes for the Blind

Image sensors and the advent of digital imaging have been met with differing reactions from the photographical community. But what a team of doctors at the Oxford Eye Hospital have managed to do with the technology is 100% digital, and 100% amazing. Clinical trial leaders Robert MacLaren and Tim Jackson have helped two blind men to partially see again.