
Photography Ban Outside AZ Supreme Court is Unconstitutional, Say Critics

An recent court order banning photography outside the Arizona Supreme Court in Phoenix and Court of Appeals in Tucson is being criticized as unconstitutional. The court says the order is meant to stop "abuse and intimidation," but critics say it infringes on people's First Amendment rights and puts photojournalists in an "untenable position."

Historic Kyoto Neighborhood Cracks Down on Rude Street Photographers

The historic Gion neighborhood in Kyoto has enacted a photography ban near one of the area's most photographed streets. The law comes in response to rude tourists and street photographers who have been flocking to the neighborhood to capture photos of its narrow alleyways, picturesque tea houses, and the geishas who call Gion home.

This Leica Video Just Got ‘Leica’ Banned in China

Leica has sparked a huge backlash in China over a short film released by its ad agency in Brazil. The video (warning: strong language) depicts a news photographer covering the Chinese government's crackdown during pro-democracy protests in Beijing in 1989.