
Abstract Food Photos

Creatively Simple Abstract Photos Made with Food

When asked to present food in a natural yet humorous manner, photographer Dwight Eschliman and his team brought the concept to life through a series of well-lit, colorful, and styled photos for the supermarket chain Lidl.

A Visual Effects Artist Made This Epic Video to Sell His Old Car

Israeli visual effects artist Eugene Romanovsky wanted to sell his old 1996 Suzuki Vitara SUV, so he created this out-of-this-world 2-minute video to advertise its qualities. The ad shows the car zipping around in ordinary landscapes before appearing in famous movies and on the moon.

Don’t Fall for B.S. Camera Gear Ads

If you're into photography enough that your feed gets filled with a bit of camera porn from time to time, you're likely to have seen the $55 8x telephoto lens for cellphones being sold by The Outdoor Spirit.

This Black Model Faithfully Recreated Fashion Ad Photos

Liberia-born and Los Angeles-based fashion model Deddeh Howard wants to promote more racial diversity in fashion advertising. For her new photo project, titled Black Mirror, Howard faithfully recreated major ad photos from top brands with herself as the model.

How to Turn a Bus Stop Ad Into a Portrait Studio

If you want a neat example of creativity in action, look no further than photographer Andrew Tihi's recent portrait adventure. Watch as he uses a backlit bus stop advertisement to help him capture a glowing portrait against a white backdrop.

Google Photos Ad Shows the Agony of Shooting with a 16GB iPhone

If you often take pictures with a "small-capacity" 16GB iPhone, one thing you may often experience is the dreaded popup that tells you you've run out of storage space. It's particularly painful when the popup appears while you're trying to capture a special moment. This 1-minute ad shows that Google feels your pain.