The View-Master Photography Promo

Photographer Lians Jadan recently spent months brainstorming in hopes of creating an effective promo. He came up with the idea of sending out his work to prospective clients with a retro View-Master-style viewer.

VSCO is Discontinuing Its Desktop Film Simulations

VSCO exploded onto the photography scene back in 2012 with instantly popular Photoshop and Lightroom presets for accurately simulating various film stocks on RAW photos. But now the company is moving away from its origins: it just announced that its desktop presets are being discontinued.

A Guide To Surf Photography: Tips and Techniques

It always takes time to really master any craft that you choose, and the same rings true for surf photography. I have spent countless hours in and out of the water over the years with the aim to improve my surfing pictures each time I enter the water. I find that no matter how much you think you know, there is always more to learn.

DIY Lighting Performance Boosters

For many years, I have been modifying and adapting lighting and camera equipment to better fit my style of shooting. The process of altering lighting gear, as well as combining products that were not originally intended to work together, is of particular importance to me these days, as I constantly mix and match the best from many different brands.

Human vs Machine: Can This AI Retouch Photos Better Than You?

Artificial intelligence is no longer a new concept in photography. Complex algorithms allow machines to choose auto contrast and exposure settings in all modern editing software. They're getting better all the time. What I haven't seen before however, is a tool that successfully automates face retouching. Until now, that is.

Pushed to the Limit: Kodak Portra 3 Stops Over

At night, it can be especially difficult getting enough light to shoot film. There are no color emulsions with speeds higher than ISO 800, and most stocks don’t even exceed 400. Pushing enables you to add sensitivity past the recommended ‘box speed’ of your film.

Astrophotography: How to Photograph the Stars

Before we get started, it's essential to understand that astrophotography takes time and practice in order to achieve good results, so don't get frustrated if you don't nail it on the first go.

On Attitudes, Arrogance, and Choice in Photography

Whenever PetaPixel has published an article about chemical photography in recent months, it has been met with a plethora of malicious, if not even downright hateful, comments. They're left by photographers who claim that only they may decide on how other photographers, their colleagues, or even hobbyists who simply enjoy photography for what it is may pursue photography as their passion or job.

Behind the Scenes of a Year’s Worth of Street Photography

I've been using some version of "street" photography as practice and exercise for all areas of my photography since I started taking it seriously in 2015, but I've never been as focused and regimented about honing my approach to street photography every day as I have been since the start of 2018, when I decided to give myself an entire year to "make it" as a photographer.

Tetenal is in Trouble: One of the Largest Photochemical Firms Needs Your Help

Here's some big news in Europe that hasn't made a big splash in the US and has largely flown under our radar: the very day after Photokina, Tetenal announced that it's in financial turmoil. Tetenal is one of the largest photochemical businesses in the world and produces chemicals for brands like Ilford and Kodak.

Portraits of Rare Identical Quadruplets

Here's a photo shoot you don't see everyday: identical quadruplets. It's estimated that there are only around 70 sets on Earth, and photographer Cassandra Jones of Noelle Mirabella Photography recently did a photo shoot with one of them.

6 Simple Tips for Getting Started in Sports Photography

Sports photography is both challenging and rewarding. It requires practice, the right equipment, and a dash of luck. There wasn’t a lot of literature available on the discipline when I was starting out, so I resorted to learning from the professionals at work around me (I was an athlete), adopted techniques from other photography disciplines such as bird photography, and improvised on them as I went along.

Shooting College Football on 35mm Film

I'm sitting in the end zone and Tennessee's quarterback is ready to throw for a touchdown against Missouri. There are only three frames left on my roll of film and I think to myself, "That's more than enough."

The Best Photo I’ve Ever Taken Was a JPEG

Alright, I don’t know if it’s the best photo I’ve ever taken, but it’s one of my favorites and it’s been the most popular photo I’ve posted recently on Facebook and Instagram.

The Winning Photos of the 2018 Nat Geo Photo Contest

National Geographic just announced the winners of the prestigious 2018 National Geographic Photo Contest. Photographer Jassen Todorov stood out from nearly 10,000 entries and was honored with the top prize for his photo "Unreal," which shows thousands of recalled cars sitting in a desert.

Film Follows Photographer Jay Maisel’s Move from His $55M NYC Studio

In 1966, photographer Jay Maisel spent $102,000 buying a 6-floor, 35,000-square-foot, 72-room building in New York City that would become his home and studio for the next half-century. In 2015, he sold the building for $55 million. Now a new documentary film is offering an inside look at the artist's final days inside the one-of-a-kind space.