The World’s First U2 Spy Plane Photo Shoot at the Edge of Space

Photo Shoot at the Edge of Space Blair Bunting

Eight years of discussions. Six months of training. Two days of final preparations. Much was required to give photographer Blair Bunting two hours at the edge of Earth's atmosphere to conduct the first-ever photo shoot at near-space where he captured images that have never been made before and will likely never be made again.

Moving 1.5 Million Photos from an Old Drobo to a New QNAP NAS

Back in February of this year, I began making a huge transition from the Drobo NAS system (now out of business) to the newer and far superior QNAP system. Back then I had just installed the two new NAS systems but had not moved any data.

Best Compact Cameras in 2024

The compact camera, also known colloquially as the point-and-shoot camera, has been a staple of the photography world for over a century. Perhaps the first mass-market compact camera was introduced in 1900 by Eastman Kodak, costing a mere one dollar (about $36 today).

Smartphone App Aims to be Analog Photographers’ Digital Companion

Crown + Flint photography app -- film camera shown next to a smartphone

Passionate film photographer Don Goodman-Wilson has long been seeking a digital companion app to help him keep track of all the variables that, while making film photography such a fantastic way to make photos, can clutter a photographer's mind. So, Goodman-Wilson decided to build the app he needed.

Minolta: Tales of a Forgotten Camera Maker

Today, most of the consumer-grade camera landscape is dominated by less than half a dozen brands. Canon, Sony, and Nikon take the lion’s share in terms of sales and public recognition, while almost all the gaps are filled by smaller companies like Fujifilm and Pentax.