Search Results for: nikon d800

Theory: Nikon D600 Sensor Dust Problem Caused by Scratches in the Mirror Box?

It has been widely reported that the new Nikon D600 full-frame DSLR suffers from a higher-than-normal amount of dark spots appearing on the sensor. Yesterday we shared one photographer's time-lapse video that demonstrates that the issue occurs right out of the box without any lens swaps.

Photographer Daniel Gaworski has been experiencing the same problem, and decided to take a closer look at his D600. He discovered that his camera's shutter curtain contains scratch marks on the bottom flap (see above), particularly in one corner of the camera.

Nikon to Announce the D5200 within the Next Few Weeks

Nikon has done quite a refresh of its DSLR lineup so far in 2012. It released the D4 as a flagship camera and the D800/D800E as a high-megapixel camera for pros, the D3200 as an entry-level camera for consumers, and the D600 as a more-affordable full-frame DSLR. The company isn't done yet: Nikon Rumors reports that within the next few weeks, Nikon will be announcing a fifth DSLR: the D5200.

BBC Contradicts Nikon’s Claim That Its DSLRs Passed the BBC Test

Last week, we wrote that Nikon was tooting its own horn by claiming that both the D4 and D800 DSLRs had passed the European Broadcasting Union test, popularly known as the BBC test, making them the "first DSLR cameras fit for broadcast." Now it appears that the horns were tooted prematurely, as the BBC is refuting Nikon's interpretation of the tests.

Nikon D600 Sensor Found by DxOMark to be “Elite” and 3rd Best Ever

Nikon's new entry level full frame DSLR, the Nikon D600, is supposed to be a lightweight camera with heavyweight image quality. DxOMark confirms it to be true. The camera equipment measurement company has announced its sensor quality results for the D600, and the score is sure to put a big smile on the faces of Nikonians around the world. Rated at an overall score of "94", the camera received the third highest score ever, and falls in third place behind the D800 and D800E -- cameras that cost roughly $1,000 more.

Nikon D600 Coming Very Soon, May Offer Full Frame for Just $1500

More details are emerging about Nikon's affordable full frame DSLR, the D600. Nikon Rumors reports that the camera will almost certainly be on display at Photokina next month, which means that the announcement will likely come around the time the show opens on September 18th. The camera is said to offer a full frame sensor at a price previously unseen in the market -- possibly as low as $1500. To put that in comparison, Canon's crop sensor 7D hit the market at $1700 when it was released back in 2009. $1500 for a full frame would be ridiculous and game-changing.

First Photos of Nikon’s D600 Entry-Level Full Frame Leaked

Entry-level full frame rumors are certainly getting their time in the spotlight today. Immediately following rumors that the 7D Mark II might become the Canon FF entry-level we've all been waiting for, we now have the first pictures of Nikon's D600. Initial rumors about the entry-level full frame, which is supposed to be the true sequel to the D700, were met with significant reservations, but these pictures seem to leave no more doubt that the camera really is in the works.

Cameras That Changed Photography Forever

I write about a lot of things here at PetaPixel -- reviews, guides, technical articles, opinion pieces -- but one of my favorite topics to write about is the history of photography. As an avid user and collector of vintage cameras and lenses, I have passionately absorbed as much knowledge about their history as possible over many years. Like studying world history, there is much value in understanding where we came from and what got to us where we are now.

What is a Low-Pass Filter and How Does it Work?

Most digital cameras from the 2000s and 2010s are equipped with an optical element called an optical low-pass filter (OLPF), also known as an anti-aliasing (AA) or blur filter. As the name "filter" suggests, this optical element filters out some information coming from the imaged scene.

This Canon 5D Mark II Has Taken Over 2.2 Million Shutter Clicks

Anyone who has owned a DSLR camera has likely heard that most of them are rated for 150,000 to 250,000 shutter actuations (clicks) before they are expected to need maintenance and/or replacement. YouTuber FoxTailWhipz (AKA Adam Harig) managed to one-up that number by finding a Canon 5D Mark II with over 2.2 million shutter clicks!

How to Turbocharge Your Photography Workflow

I recently heard a photographer say he’d spent 17 hours going through 10,000 images, deciding which ones were worth saving. My first thought was, “I hope he’s retired.” My second thought, though, was that he badly needed a lesson on speeding up his workflow. Which led me to write this guide on how to turbocharge your photography workflow.

Why is Shooting with a Smartphone So Deeply Unsatisfying?

The smartphone is perhaps the single most important device in history, wresting the power of news and journalism back into the hands of the everyday person. Data communication is the key enabler, but the camera -- more than anything else -- slakes the thirst for instant visual gratification. So, why is shooting with a smartphone so deeply unsatisfying?

The Best Used Digital Cameras

The Best Used Digital Cameras to Buy in 2024

While there are many advantages to buying a brand new camera -- including a manufacturer warranty and, well, the fact that it’s never been used by anyone else -- there are likewise a plethora of reasons to buy cameras on the used market.

Image Sensors: The Main Battleground of the Camera Industry

Manufacturing silicon is patently not required in order to make cameras -- anyone can put together a pinhole model -- however, the wider point is more pertinent. To be a competitive, global, manufacturer, do you need to make the sensors that actually go into camera bodies?