What is Brand Storytelling and Why Does It Matter?

In today’s world, it is easier than ever to start a business. Explore Instagram on any given day and you will inevitably see an ad for some new online retailer. It begs the question: How, in such a saturated online marketplace, can a fledgling brand separate itself from the pack and survive?

Photographing the Namib Desert: ‘At One With Forever’

Many people feel pulled toward the wild areas of the grand Earthscape, especially to wild areas. It is important for them to know these places exist, even if they cannot go there. The spiritual connection is deep and infinite. Where does it begin? Can it be fostered?

The 1934 Chrysler Photo Shoot That Brought Us Out of 2020

It wasn’t that the phone hadn’t rung for an entire year, it was that the shoots were always too risky; my urge to be on set was always overruled by my commitment to ensure that making art did not lead to someone contracting COVID.

The Art of Selling Art: A Contemplative Approach

Perhaps the greatest dream of most nature photographers is the idea of crafting a living off print sales alone. All across the internet are stories of individuals making hundreds of dollars off each print, leading to yearly sales of six figures or greater. Unfortunately, this is very often not the case.

Things I’ve Learned Over 10 Years of Street Photography

I’m not a professional, but I take my street photography seriously. Because I enjoy it so much, I’ve invested a lot of time learning the craft and practicing it. I’m not great, but I’m better than I was.

Photography Composition Tip and Assignment: The Rule of Thirds

If you ever had an art history, drawing, graphic design or photography class, then you’ve probably learned about the “rule” of thirds as a composition technique to use in creating more interesting photos. Or, as I prefer to call it, the “suggestion” of thirds. More about that later.

New York’s Attorney General to Sue Kodak for Insider Trading

The attorney general's office of New York is preparing an insider-trading lawsuit against Eastman Kodak and its top executive which focuses on stock purchases that occurred before a deal with the Trump administration to finance a pharmaceutical venture during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Apple Planning Major Redesign, Upgrade of Entire Mac Line: Report

Even though Apple's new M1 computers are still quite new, the company is reportedly poised to release even newer versions of both its laptop and desktop lines that feature new processors, significantly upgraded specifications, new designs, and more connectivity starting as early as this summer.

Primoplan 75mm f/1.9 II Review: A Lens with Background-Melting Bokeh

Founded in Germany and based in Görlitz, Saxony, Meyer Optik Görlitz can look back on an eventful history since 1896. During this path, the company designed and manufactured exceptional lenses that have been accompanied by photographers for over 125 years.

100 Photography Tips for Beginners

Back when I started out as a photographer in the mid-1990s, I had to figure everything out by myself. I made a lot of mistakes, but in doing so I learned a great deal. To help others, I have put together this list of 100 tips that every beginner photographer should hear.