Search Results for: tether

Walter Iooss: Framing the Sports Photo

Walter Iooss Jr.'s photos have graced 300 Sports Illustrated covers in a career spanning six decades. He has captured iconic images of every athlete, including Muhammad Ali, Michael Jordan, Pele, Cristiano Ronaldo, Michael Phelps, Tiger Woods, Serena Williams, and Kobe Bryant.

The Photography Terms Glossary

The world of photography is full of words and phrases that can be confusing for new photographers, so PetaPixel has put together a complete glossary of everything you may want to know the meaning of if you're just getting started.

Photographer at sunset

DPReview Leaves Massive Shoes to Fill

How I feel about losing DPReview is difficult to put to words. The brand has been a mainstay since I took up a camera and the space that they leave now is one that I don't think will ever be properly filled again.

Software Subscriptions: Spreading the Cost or Gouging the Customer?

Why pay for something outright when you can borrow it? Renting is an obvious solution - particularly when the item is potentially very expensive - to be able to use something you can't afford. Someone else makes the outright purchase and you pay them a small fee to have exclusive use.

The Best Way to Access Camera Raw Photos on Your Smartphone

It seems like a small request to a simple need... you shoot an event using your main standalone camera and want to upload a few choice shots to social media or send to a client to give them something to post straightaway. Or - as I've done - undertake some quick processing on your phone before sending it to an Instax printer and giving your customer an instant print.

Tips for Studio Photography, Using the Sony a7R IV

The Sony Alpha a7R IV released in July of 2019 as the successor to the popular a7R III. While the early Sony mirrorless cameras had a limited lens selection, by the time the a7R IV came out, the lens selection had blossomed. Nowadays, there’s a lens for every purpose from manufacturers like Sony, Tamron, Sigma, Samyang, and Tokina.

Has Anything Really Changed in Photo Editing Software?

I guess I'm the sucker that keeps a lot of the digital photography software companies in business. In order to "stay current" in my recommendations, I have to keep looking at new versions of software products, and that requires a near endless tithing that's getting old.

Straight Out of Camera is the Purest Form of Photography… or IS It?

The ultimate skill of the photographer -- of the artist -- is to create the aesthetics of the scene in front of them "in the moment". The Natural Landscape Photo Award is perhaps the epitome of this with minimal image manipulation allowed, while the World Press Photo has a Code of Ethics. So straight-out-of-camera (SOOC) has got to be the pinnacle of ability, hasn't it? Or is there more to the notion of what an image is and where the skill lies in producing it?