Search Results for: product

Nikon Are You Ready

Coming Soon: Nikon Teases Exciting New Product

Nikon has launched a new teaser for an upcoming launch. While details are scarce, it's possible to look back at other times Nikon has teased a product announcement to get a sense of what photographers should expect.

Why to Use Tilt Shift Lenses for Product Photography

Many people think of tilt shift lenses as something only used by specialist architectural photographers. Some actually don’t realize that they can do more than the tilt shift miniature effect emulated by the Photoshop filter (although it can give some fun results!)

FilterPixel Photo Culling AI Software Increases Workflow Productivity by 75%

FilterPixel automates the process of looking for photographs that are not good enough to be framed and added to your portfolio of work. The software uses Artificial Intelligence to scan and automatically separate the unworthy captures, saving time and effort in browsing through hundreds of captures and inspecting them closely to check for blur and focus issues.


5 Tips for Shooting Better Product Photos

Product photography can be one of the most overlooked, and yet, most valuable genres of the craft for a creative. While many feel product photos just mean placing an object on a table and snapping a quick photo, it is actually much more complex and requires the right equipment, space, lighting, and most importantly, the vision to produce breathtaking images that will make a view interested in purchasing the product.

Yashica Has Teased a New Product to Come in 2022

Yashica, one of the more polarizing camera brands, is teasing a new product for 2022. The company hasn't made much noise in the photography space since its successful three-camera Kickstarter in 2019, which came after the disastrous launch of the Y35 in 2018.