
What is This Halo Around a World Press Photo Nominee?

Late Winter brings about a new crop of contest winners and nary a season goes by without a whiff of controversy in some form or fashion. Yesterday World Press Photo announced its 2020 Photo Contest and Digital Storytelling Contest nominees.

Britain’s Biggest Speed Camera Uses a Canon 100-400mm Lens

Gloucestershire police have unveiled Britain's biggest speed camera. Called the A417, the portable camera can catch drivers violating laws from roughly 1,000 meters or about 3/5 of a mile. And on the front of the camera is a Canon 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS telephoto zoom lens.

How NOT to Use a Reflective Umbrella

Photographer Holly Romaya was walking through a local mall in the Detroit metro area recently when she noticed something peculiar about the mall Santa photo area set up for kids portraits. It seems the people responsible for setting up the lighting equipment don't actually know how it's supposed to work.

Photographer Spots Mother Duck with Giant Brood of 76 Ducklings

This photo may look like the result of a photographer going too crazy with Photoshop's Clone Stamp, but it's a real photo of an actual duck family. Minnesota-based wildlife photographer Brent Cizek was at Lake Bemidji back in June when he spotted this mother duck leading a ginormous blood of over 50 ducklings.

Nikon 500mm f/5.6 Spotted. It’s TINY!

Nikon announced last month that it's developing an ultra-portable 500mm f/5.6 PF ED VR lens. Here's a photo of the actual lens -- as you can see, Nikon wasn't kidding when it said the 500mm lens is "ultra-portable."

Sony 400mm f/2.8 Lens Spotted at the Olympics

There have been reports of Sony developing a 400mm f/2.8 E-mount lens for the a9 mirrorless camera, and now the once-mythical lens has just been spotted in the wild. A taped up version of the monstrous white lens was seen this week at the 2018 Winter Olympics.

Sony CEO Spotted Trying Out Nikon DSLRs

In his famous book The Art of War, Sun Tzu writes: "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles." With his company duking out in the digital camera industry, Sony CEO Kazuo Hirai clearly heeds that piece of advice: he was just spotted testing out Nikon's latest DSLRs, the D5 and D500, which were on display at the CP+ 2016 show in Japan.

Woman Spotted Without Phone Camera Out, Is Now an Internet Sensation

This simple photo is a fascinating portrait of what smartphone cameras have done to our culture. A single woman is seen enjoying the moment with just her eyes while a sea of smartphone cameras surrounds her.

The photo has been going viral over the past week, and this lady is now an Internet sensation.

Baseball Announcers Roast Sorority Girls Over Selfies

During the MLB baseball game yesterday between the Arizona Diamondbacks and the Colorado Rockies, a cameraman spotted a group of sorority girls who were apparently more interested in snapping the perfect selfie than watching the game. The announcers for the TV broadcast took notice, and the whole thing turned into a strange case study of what Instagram has done to our culture.

Spotted: A Leica-Branded Pen and Coffee Cup, and a Pentax Q10 Watch

Canon started quite a fad back in 2010 by handing out novelty lens mugs at the Vancouver Olympic games. Within two years, it seems like everyone is making and selling lens-shaped coffee mugs now. If you thought Leica had stayed out of the craze, think again. Leica Rumors spotted the pen and coffee cup above being sold on eBay last week. The luxury Caran d'Ache pen carries the familiar red dot, while the cup features Noctilux lens markings.

Strange Scenes Spotted by Google Street View Cameras

Named after the fact that Google Street View cars shoot with 9 separate cameras, Canadian artist Jon Rafman's Nine Eyes of Google Street View website is an ongoing project that publishes strange scenes photographed by Google's automated cameras. Rafman writes,

This infinitely rich mine of material afforded my practice the extraordinary opportunity to explore, interpret, and curate a new world in a new way. To a certain extent, the aesthetic considerations that form the basis of my choices in different collections vary. For example, some selections are influenced by my knowledge of photographic history and allude to older photographic styles, whereas other selections, such as those representing Google’s depiction of modern experience, incorporate critical aesthetic theory. But throughout, I pay careful attention to the formal aspects of color and composition.

[...] I can seek out postcard-perfect shots that capture what Cartier-Bresson titled “the decisive moment,” as if I were a photojournalist responding instantaneously to an emerging event. At other times, I have been mesmerized by the sense of nostalgia, yearning, and loss in these images—qualities that evoke old family snapshots. I can also choose to be a landscape photographer and meditate on the multitude of visual possibilities.

Canon 5D Mark III Spotted in Kenya?

Photographer Stephen Oachs over at Aperture Academy caused quite a stir yesterday after sharing some photographs he took of a Japanese photographer he spotted in Kenya. The photographer revealed that he was field testing a new Canon 200-400mm with a built-in teleconverter, but what caught Oachs attention was the camera body the man was using -- a Canon DSLR that he didn't recognize. He writes,

You can see it in the photos I took... I see the "Q" button located by the big wheel on the right, which on the 7D is currently located on the top left. The battery grip seems to have a joystick. I also noticed a "Rate" button...hrm, any ideas?

Is this the new 5D Mark III, or maybe the 7D Mark II? This info I was not able to determine.

Nikon Website Briefly Shows the D800

Earlier today, the official website of Nikon Germany briefly showed a mysterious camera in an image of the company's DSLR lineup. It was quickly removed, but not before screenshots of the page quickly spread across the blogosphere. The camera in the photo looks identical to the photo of the Nikon D800 that leaked in November of last year.

Olympus LCD Screen Patent Appears to Show Medium Format Digital Camera

Olympus recently filed a patent in Japan for a vari-angle LCD screen. While that's not exactly groundbreaking, the illustrations in the patent appears to show some kind of medium format digital camera. What's more, it looks nearly identical to the Samsung digital medium format prototypes that emerged earlier this year.

The Most Eye-Catching DSLR Ever

We never thought we'd say it, but someone finally found a DSLR that makes Pentax's limited edition models look bland. Erle Kaasik was walking on a sidewalk in Seattle when she walked past a woman using this eye-popping Canon DSLR and 28-135mm lens that a local artist had decorated. It looks like someone mistook the camera for a cupcake or something.

Photo of Upcoming Fujifilm FinePix X50 Spotted in a Catalog

On Monday we reported that Fujifilm is planning to release a smaller and cheaper version of the popular X100 called the X50. The photo here shows the camera listed in a Promaster catalog, spotted by a person over on the Something Awful forums. The $600 12MP camera is shown to have a fixed f/2 28-112mm (35mm equivalent) manual lens and a "wide and bright optical viewfinder".

Lytro Camera Used in a Fashion Shoot

After reading about the revolutionary "shoot first, focus later" Lytro camera that's currently in development, Canadian fashion model Coco Rocha reached out to the company to ask if they could work with a prototype.