
NASA Wants to See Your Best Photos of the Moon

NASA will soon launch the Artemis I which will fly 40,000 miles beyond the Moon and back to demonstrate the capability of sending humans back to lunar orbit. To celebrate, NASA wants to see everyone's best moon photos in its #NASAMoonSnap campaign.

Jaw-Dropping Footage from the First Spacecraft to Touch the Sun

NASA announced this week that its Parker Solar Probe was the first spacecraft to ever "touch the Sun" by flying through its corona, or upper atmosphere. The probe captured the first photos ever from within the corona, and those images were then turned into this incredible 13-second timelapse video.

This is an Asteroid Photographed from 0.4 Miles Away

After photographing Earth and the Moon from 71 million miles away back in January, NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft is back again with a new photo of its target asteroid, Bennu, shot from an incredibly close distance of just 0.4 miles (690m) away.

This is the First Photo Shot on the Far Side of the Moon

China just became the first country to achieve a soft-landing on the far side of the moon after its Chang'e-4 probe landed at 2:30 AM Universal Time today. And shortly after landing, the probe sent back this first photo ever shot from the surface of the "dark side of the moon."

NASA’s InSight Lander Sends Its First Clear Photo From Mars

After a half-year journey covering over 30 million miles, NASA's InSight lander just touched down on the surface of Mars to begin its mission of studying the red planet's deep interior. InSight also captured and sent back this first clear photo from the ground, a 1-megapixel selfie.

MESSENGER Slammed Into Mercury with Over 1,000 Photos Onboard

NASA's MESSENGER mission came to an end yesterday after the space probe slammed into Mercury's surface at about 8,750 mph. The photo above is the last photo that was sent back to scientists on Earth before impact.

Here's an interesting fact: thousands of photos were still on the MESSENGER when it was destroyed -- images that we will never get a chance to lay eyes on.

The Closest Color Photo of Pluto Ever Shot

After a nine year journey towards the outer edge of our solar system, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft has beamed back its first color photo of Pluto and its largest moon Charon. The photo above, captured "just" 71 million miles away from the dwarf planet, is the closest color photo ever made of Pluto.