
Olympus Exits the Camera Business

After a year of rumors, denials, and backtracking, it's finally official: Olympus is exiting the camera business after an 84-year run as one of the world's most recognizable brands in the industry.

This Crypto-Art Rose Photo Sold for $1,000,000

Kevin Abosch, the photographer who purportedly sold a photo of a potato for over $1,000,000 in 2016, has now become the photographer behind the world's most expensive crypto-artwork by selling a photo of a rose on the blockchain for $1,000,000.

Oldest Known Nikon Camera Sold for a Whopping $409,000 at Auction

The oldest surviving Nikon camera is now also the most expensive. We reported back in October that the third Nikon 1 rangefinder ever made would be hitting the auction block at Westlicht with an estimated max value of $200,000. Well, that camera just sold for roughly $406,000, more than double the original estimate.

Leica Likely Behind Iconic Che Guevara Photo Sells for $20,340

The late Cuban photographer Alberto Korda's Leica camera has been sold at auction for $20,340. What's notable about this camera is that it's very likely the one that captured Korda's iconic portrait of Argentine Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara -- a photo titled Guerrillero Heroico.

Calumet and Bowens Acquired: New Owner Plans New Stores

The European investment group AURELIUS announced today that it has acquired Calumet Photographic and Bowens Lighting, two well known brands in the world of photography. The sale will allow Calumet to expand its retail stores in new cities in Europe.

Corbis Images Sold by Bill Gates to Visual China Group

One of the largest photo collections in the world was just sold. Corbis, which is owned by Bill Gates, has sold off its images business to Visual China Group, China's equivalent of Getty Images. VCG is the same company that led a $13 million investment in 500px in 2015, and which is partnering with 500px to expand into China.

Leica That Shot ‘V-J Day in Times Square’ Photo Fetches $150K at Auction

Next time a significant other bugs you about how much you spend on photo gear, remind them how much worse it could be if you were into vintage kit.

Such as the 1931 Leica IIIa shown above, owned by the great Alfred Eisenstaedt and used to shoot everything from his iconic V-J Day image of a sailor kissing a girl in Times Square to a portrait session with President Bill Clinton. The camera sold at Vienna auction house last weekend for 114,000 Euros, equivalent to $147,117.

Kodak to Sell Its Camera Film and Imaging Businesses in $2.8 Billion Deal

We reported last August that Kodak was looking to sell its camera film business along with a number of other core businesses. Well, the company has now succeeded.

Kodak announced today that it has reached an agreement to sell off its two remaining imaging divisions -- which includes its photographic film business -- in a major deal worth $2.8 billion.

William Eggleston Digital Pigment Prints Fetch $5.9 Million at Auction

36 of American photographer William Eggleston's digital pigment prints were auctioned off at Christie's on Monday, fetching a whopping $5.9 million -- far more than the $2.7M they were expected to sell for. Eggleston is credited with helping making color photography a legitimate artistic medium for galleries, which had previously favored B&W prints. A print of Eggleston's "Memphis (Tricycle)" (shown above) was the top seller after being snatched up for $578,500.