
How to Make a DIY Digital Pinhole Camera with a Body Cap

I was interested in seeing how well a pinhole would work on a small sensor (APS-C) DSLR so I decided to give it a try. All I needed to do was to drill a hole in the spare body cap, darken a piece of aluminum foil with a permanent marker, punch a small hole in it, and then tape it to the front of the body cap.

How to Capture Creative, High-Quality Pinhole Photography in Your Backyard

Fine art photographer Martin Henson has published a wonderful behind-the-scenes look at his pinhole photography process that highlights the results you can get when you use a high-quality camera, you get creative, and you know what the heck you're doing. The result is a masterclass in capturing high-quality pinhole photography that actually qualifies as fine art.

Taking Pinhole Portraits of ‘Lockdown Street Bingo’ for World Pinhole Day

Working as an analogue photographer at Little Vintage Photography, Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day (#WPPD) is something that I love taking part in every year. Sadly with lockdown happening, the workshops and photowalks I'd normally run were of course, put on hold.

SCURA is a Curved Panoramic Pinhole Camera You Can Make at Home

Dora Goodman—maker of gorgeous hand-crafted custom cameras like these—is back with another 3D-printed, open-source camera that you can make at home. It's called the SCURA, and it's a curved pinhole camera that shoots 60x25mm panoramic images on regular 35mm film.

Photographer Turns a Skyscraper Into a Giant Camera

Brendan Barry is a UK-based photographer who's known for turning all kinds of unusual things into working cameras, from food and mannequins to shipping containers and camper trailers. But his latest project was his most ambitious yet -- turned a Manhattan skyscraper into a giant camera.

Photographer Uses Burned Teapot as a Camera to Shoot Wildfire Damage

Back in August 2016, the Blue Cut wildfire tore through Cajon Pass in Southern California, burning 37,000 acres, dozens of cars, and over 300 homes and structures. Local photojournalist James Quigg documented the fire's damage in a creative and unusual way: he found a burned teapot and turned it into a pinhole camera.

This Potter Creates Working Cameras Out of Clay

Steve Irvine is a Canadian potter who has had a lifelong interest in photography. Some years ago, Irvine decided to combine his two passions by creating ceramic cameras. Each beautiful and unique creation is fully functional as a pinhole camera.

Here’s How to Build a Portable Camera Obscura

"Camera obscura" refers to a device for viewing an image that makes use of the principles of pinhole imagery, and is usually made with a box of sorts. It's this that was eventually turned into the first pinhole camera - and now you can make your own!

This Photographer Turned a Potato Into a Camera

Low quality photos and videos are often referred to these days as being "potato quality," or so bad that they look like they were taken using a potato. But for photographer Colin Lowe, "potato quality" is a spot-on description for some of his photos because they were literally taken with a potato.

Zero Optik: High-End Pinhole Lenses Designed for Pros

When you think pinhole lenses, you probably think cheap, low-fi lenses created by hand for DIY photography projects. Zero Optik takes things in the opposite direction: it's a new line of high-quality pinhole lenses that are designed for professionals.

These Pinhole Portraits Require 11 Minutes of Posing

How long can you strike a certain pose and stay perfectly still? For pinhole photographer Israel Caballero's project Veneno Dulce ("Sweet Poison"), models were required to stand and sit motionless in front of his camera for over 10 minutes at a time.