
Shooting a wedding on a smartphone

Photographer Shoots an Entire Wedding Using Only a Smartphone

While smartphones can provide great images in controlled environments, they're not considered to be as versatile as a dedicated camera. Wedding Photographer Jason Vinson decided to see how a Sony Xperia Pro-I would fare in an setting where he had little to no control: a full-day wedding.

Get the Cliché Out of the Way When Doing Photography

I drove 5,200 miles around the country after my junior year in college. And I brought 20 rolls of film — 720 images in all — which was a lot in 1984. I felt like a pro, traveling with a “brick” of Tri-X. When you shoot film you try hard not to waste frames; it’s a natural force function that filters out some of the more idiotic shots you might take.

Photographer Recreates Spider-Man Meme with Spider-Man Actors

There's a classic meme on the Internet of Spider-Mans pointing at each other. The three Hollywood actors who have most recently played the famous comic book web-slinger on the silver screen recently got together and recreated the meme in a photo captured by photographer Matt Kennedy.

How to Get Started in Photography

Photography is full of baffling jargon and complex numbers to the uninitiated, and it can be daunting for beginning photographers. If you are just starting out, here is an introductory guide for fundamental things you need to have and know before you jump into the wonderful world of photography.

How to Combine Photos with Unreal Engine for Creative Composites

Mixing photography with digital backgrounds is becoming easier and more approachable. In this in-depth and over one hour video, Serge Ramelli breaks down how to use the free Unreal Engine to build a background from scratch and use it to create new composite photographic images.

An Intro to Shadows in Photography

What is a photograph? There are many different ways to answer this simple question, but in basic abstract terms through the lens of lighting, every photograph is a combination of highlights and shadows. The only reason we see depth and dimension is in fact shadow. Understanding shadows is crucial in growing as a photographer.

Nikon Z 40mm f/2 Review: Affordable and Surprisingly Useful

Despite a nearly two-year global supply chain shortage, Nikon has been making good on the company's promise to deliver a plethora of new lenses for the mirrorless Z system. Filling in most of the missing gaps from the F-mount lineup with greatly improved lenses, this time with a unique and affordable "in-between" focal length lens for everyday use, the $297 40mm f/2 Z.

5 Bad Photography Opinions

5 Dreadful Photography Opinions That Affect All Photographers

Everyone on the internet has an opinion and many of them are not exactly productive or supportive. This is even more prevalent in the photography community and in a ten-minute video from Miguel Quiles, he discusses five of the most common "negative" opinions that need to be stopped if creatives want to elevate their craft to the next level.

32 First Photos from the History of Photography

Photography has been a medium of limitless possibilities since it was originally invented in the early 1800s. The use of cameras has allowed us to capture historical moments and reshape the way we see ourselves and the world around us. To celebrate the amazing history of photography and photographic science, we have assembled 32 photographic ‘firsts’ from over the past two centuries.

StellaPro Reflex S Review: One Light to Rule Them All?

There have been a lot of interesting light solutions for creatives released in the last few years, but they were either a slight improvement over a previous generation (like the Profoto A1 to A1X) or something to serve a niche corner like the Lumee from Spiffy Gear. Nothing has been really groundbreaking... except perhaps for the StellaPro Reflex from Light and Motion.

This is Why You Have Bad Photography Clients

As an independent photographer, landing the "dream" client might seem like an impossible task. However, getting the perfect client may be more achievable than you think, as is avoiding the bad ones.

How to Light Headshots: Five Tips from Peter Hurley

When it comes to headshots, there is perhaps no better source of information and guidance than the man who has made an empire out of the practice. In this five minute video on the, Peter Hurley quickly breaks down his favorite tips to light the perfect headshot.