
Freelance isn't Free

New NY Law Guarantees Freelancers Contracts and Timely Pay

The New York State Senate has passed S8369B, colloquially known as the "Freelance isn't Free" act, which guarantees that any freelancer hired by a company must be provided a written contract with a stated pay by date. If no date is provided, they must be paid within 30 days.

A 360° Panorama From Atop the World Trade Centers Shortly Before 9/11

It was a sunny day in August 2001. I was a high school student at the time, and my family had decided to take a day trip to New York City, which was about an hour away from where we were living at the time. I had been to New York many times before, but every single time, the sheer density and height of the buildings always struck me with awe.

The Incredible Treasures Found Inside a 1800s Hidden Photo Studio

In February, David Whitcomb discovered an attic full of photographic treasures in Geneva, New York. Identified as the hidden studio of photographer James Hale, multiple rare photos -- including one of Susan B. Anthony -- were discovered. After six months, the full collection has finally been cataloged.

New York’s Attorney General to Sue Kodak for Insider Trading

The attorney general's office of New York is preparing an insider-trading lawsuit against Eastman Kodak and its top executive which focuses on stock purchases that occurred before a deal with the Trump administration to finance a pharmaceutical venture during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Selling Photos with the I LOVE NY Logo Could Get You Sued

If you've ever been on the streets of New York City, you've likely seen the iconic I Love New York slogan and logo that has been around since 1977. But if you're a photographer who sells photos, here's something you need to know: that logo is trademarked by New York, and the state is quite serious about protecting it.

Leica Store in SoHo Looted During Last Night’s Protests in NYC

If you see some suspiciously affordable Leica gear popping up on the used market in the coming days, take note: it may be the result of looting that took place in New York City's SoHo neighborhood during last night's protests sparked by the death of George Floyd.