
How To Get Medium Format Colors With Full Frame

Over the last few months, I have been in contact with Phase One to test their latest medium format camera, the IQ3 100MP Trichromatic. The standard 100MP backs from both Hasselblad and Phase One, already have incredible colors, due to being able to produce 16-bit raw files. Phase One, however, decided this wasn’t enough and their latest sensor is a genuinely brilliant update.

This is What Photos From a $63,000 Camera Look Like

What kind of images does a $63,000 stills camera produce? Here's a 19-minute video by Ted Forbes of The Art of Photography in which he uses a Phase One XF medium format DSLR to show the bang for your buck that you get when you spend 63 grand on a camera kit.

Photographing a $2,500,000 Car with a $50,000 Camera

How would you go about photographing a $2.5 million car? That's the challenge photographer Richard Thompson faced last year when he was tasked with shooting the Pagani Huayra BC on the streets of New York. For this car, of which only 100 were produced, Thompson decided to use a Phase One XF 100MP medium format camera kit that costs over $50,000.

This Laowa Adapter Magnifies Full Frame Lenses for Fuji Medium Format

If you're intrigued by the medium format Fuji GFX 50s, but don't like the idea of throwing away all of your full-frame glass once you buy it, Laowa has a solution for you. It's called the "Magic Format Converter," and it will magnify your Nikon and Canon full-frame lenses to fit a Fuji GFX.

Fuji Reveals 2 New Medium Format Lenses and Updated Lens Roadmap

The last 24 hours were packed full of gear announcements, and we're even done. In addition to their new Instax camera and SQUARE film, Fujifilm also revealed two new lenses for the mirrorless medium format GFX 50s, updated their GFX roadmap, and teased a firmware update for the MF shooter.

Is Medium Format Worth the Money? Hassleblad H6D Review Says ‘No’

A brand-new Hasselblad H6D-100c will cost you approximately $33,000 before you even buy a lens for the system, which begs the question: is it worth the money? That's what Sonder Creative lead photographer Usman Dawood tries to figure out in this video review of the Hasselblad H6D.

Sony Plans to Release a 150MP Medium Format Sensor in 2018

Sony recently updated their sensor roadmap for 2017 and 2018, and there's some exciting news for medium format shooters on it. Not only will cameras like the Fuji GFX and Hasselblad X1D get a 100MP option, Sony is also developing a 150MP sensor for larger cameras like the Phase One 100XF.

An Interview with with Ming Thein, the New Chief of Strategy for Hasselblad

The biggest photography announcement of the week came from Hasselblad. In a move that is being praised by most of the photo community, the storied camera company appointed photographer Ming Thein as its new Chief of Strategy, leaving us all to wonder "what happens now?" PetaPixel sat down with Ming to find out.

The Holga 120N is Coming Back from the Dead

After its launch in the early 1980s, Holga cameras became popular options for people looking to shoot medium format 120 film on the cheap. Production was shut down in late 2015, but now the camera is making a comeback: the classic Holga 120N is coming back this year.

Hasselblad Announces 4 New Lenses for Mirrorless X1D: 3 Primes, 1 Zoom

Hasselblad doesn't want to lose the momentum they gained by being the first to announce a mirrorless medium-format digital camera system with their exciting X1D. Which is why they've decided to announce not one, not two, not even three, but four lenses for the new system coming in 2017. One is available today.

One Year with the Pentax 645Z

Almost one year ago, my Gear Acquisition Syndrome (GAS) started flaring up. I started getting interested in medium format photography, and the Pentax 645Z caught my attention.

Fujifilm Medium Format GFX 50S First Impressions


I typically have more to say in my first paragraph, but this camera blew me away and “wow” is one of the best ways to portray my first reactions.