
A person holds a Canon EOS R1 camera close to the camera while smiling. The image has the PetaPixel logo and the text "Hands-On" in the bottom right corner.

Canon EOS R1 First Impressions: More an R3 Mark II Than a New Flagship

It has been a long time coming, but the EOS R1 is finally here. For years, the Canon R1 has been teased and hinted at before getting an official announcement two months ago. Now, finally, we at PetaPixel got our hands on an early test with the R1 body. That said, I cannot stress enough that it was a very early look.

National Geographic Just Laid Off its Last Staff Writers

National Geographic, a magazine renowned for its photojournalism and wildlife photography, has laid off the last of its remaining staff writers and a number of other employees, according to multiple departing staff writers. The move signals a possible decline for the publication.

PRO EDU Acquires Resource Magazine, Will ‘Banish’ Banner Ads

In a surprise announcement on the PRO EDU Community Facebook Page yesterday, the photo/video education company's CEO Gary Martin announced that PRO EDU has acquired Resource Magazine and will be taking ownership of the publication starting June 1st. The photo/video/lifestyle magazine was founded in 2007.

Outdoor Photography Canada Closing: How It Made Me a Better Pro Photog

It was mid-2011, and I was looking for a way to capitalize on my newfound love of photographing snowflakes. I had thrown the idea to numerous magazine, agencies, and business to see if they would bite. One publication responded favorably, asking me to write an article on spec. If they liked it, they’d consider publishing it. There was immediate excitement and immediate pressure. This could be a huge break for me in the industry.

Magazine Covers Shot with Phones Ain’t No Thang

Scoring a national magazine cover shoot to prove the greatness of a phone’s camera has become part of the standard PR playbook for manufacturers. TIME featured photos taken by Luisa Dörr using an iPhone for a September 2017 cover story entitled “Firsts” about women changing the world.

Shooting a Magazine Cover with a Smartphone

I recently got a call from a client in Chile asking if I’d like to photograph Alexis Sanchez for the cover of COSAS magazine. Alexis is Chile’s most capped footballer was just transferred from Arsenal to Manchester United. He is also one of his country’s biggest celebrities. COSAS is Chile’s biggest selling lifestyle and celebrity magazine. Obviously, I said yes.

Newsweek Slammed for Cover Photo of Phallic Balloon

Newsweek is getting widely criticized after sharing a sneak peek of the cover on the November 17th issue of the magazine. To illustrate the lead article about sexual harassment, the magazine decided to use a photo of a feminine hand sticking a needle into a phallic balloon.

TIME’s Latest Cover Photos were Shot on the iPhone

TIME magazine's latest issue features a special project titled FIRSTS, which features profiles of 46 influential women who are changing the world. For the photography in the project, TIME recruited 28-year-old Brazilian photographer Luisa Dörr to shoot 46 portraits and 12 cover photos using an iPhone.

I Just Had 20,000 Slides Returned from Sports Illustrated

Ever since I was a kid, I loved saving stuff. I saved all my baseball cards in rubber band stacks in shoe boxes. I collected stacks and stacks of 7-Eleven Slurpee baseball cups in 1973. Every San Francisco Giants yearbook and media guide going back to the early 1960s? Yup, got them too.

Popular Photography is Dead After 80 Years as a Top Photo Magazine

Popular Photography, the largest circulated imaging magazine that launched its first issue in May 1937 in New York City, has ceased publication after being continuously in production for 80 years. The March/April 2017 issue will be the last in print.

20 Photography Magazines You Should Definitely Follow on Instagram

It’s 2017, and Instagram is now 600 million users strong; that’s a lot of new images/videos and stories each day. An effervescent but non curated activity. Beside all the personal accounts and brands, there’s a few magazines. Some of them revolve around the third art: photography. Let’s get a deeper look…

You Can Now Own a Piece of the British Journal of Photography

Founded in 1854, the British Journal of Photography is one of the world's oldest and most influential photography magazines. The 162-year-old publication was sold back in 2013, and now it's raising money through a crowdfunding campaign. Put in some money, and in exchange you get ownership shares in the magazine.