
‘Toilet Diaries’ Turns Joint Bathrooms Into a Never Ending Source of Photo Humor

While living in their studio -- which also happened to be located in an old bank with joint bathrooms at the time -- photographers Gerban Grotenhuis and Marc Marselje had an interesting idea. Just how many creative and funny scenes could they create using those joint toilets?

The result is a humorous and creative photo series called Toilet Diaries that transformed joint toilet rooms into everything from a WWII battleground to the inside of a claw crane machine.

Humor: What if Disney Princesses Shared Photos on Instagram?

I admit that I am an Instagram Junkie. To paraphrase that classic SNL line: "I got a fever and the only prescription is MORE INSTAGRAM." It's not that I really enjoy sharing images of my dog and what I had for dinner, it's more that I love looking at the uploads of those I follow. Following celebrities is a lot of fun, as you get to see a glimpse inside their world. What are they thinking? Where are they going? What are they doing? knows this and took it a step further...all the way to Disney.

Portraits of Toddlers Reacting to Tasting a Lemon for the First Time

Most of us can agree that having a toddler is a lot less fun than being one, but photographing one... well that can fall closer to the latter given the right circumstances. For photographers April Maciborka and David Wile, the right circumstances were just a lemon slice and a cute reaction away.

The Importance of Angles, or ‘How Not to Take a Selfie’

Here's a humorous 14-second video that might make that last bit of your Friday workday go by that much faster. In an attempt to prove how important the right angle is when taking a selfie (or any portrait for that matter) a kind girl decided to demonstrate how drastic a difference she could make by simply moving her face and changing the angle of the photo.

Humorous Video Pokes Fun at the Food Pic Fad

Professional food photography is a legitimate pursuit that takes some serious skill. It's done in a studio, with professional lighting and often enlists the help of a professional food stylist to get the shot just right.

Food pics are a different matter, often taken in a restaurant with a cell phone while the other people at the table wait impatiently to dig in. The humorous clip above pokes fun at the latter.

Musician Takes on the Dreaded Vertical Video Syndrome in Song

"Please film in landscape mode, turn your phone please turn your phone..." sings musician Jonathan Mann in his most recent video extolling the virtues of shooting videos in landscape. It's a humorous short PSA music video in which Mann takes on the dreaded problem of Vertical Video Syndrome (or VVS) by taking to the streets.

Satire: Work for Free and Eat!

Hey, professional and aspiring photographers! Are you tired of responding to attractive assignment offers only to find later that compensation for the work consists only of "valuable exposure" for your work? And then you have to explain that you can't feed your family on exposure?

Well fret no more. with the new Exposure Helper™, you can feed your family on exposure, allowing you to accept all the free assignments you want!

Wedding Party Running from Imperial AT-AT Walkers

It appears that "wedding party running from _____" is at risk of becoming a meme among wedding photographers. After seeing that photo of a wedding party running from a T-Rex that went viral last month, photographers Danielle and Tony Lombardo of Little Blue Lemon decided to do their own remix.

Humor: The Pain of Being Rejected as Someone’s Passerby Photographer

Here's a little bit of photographic humor to help get you through to hump day. Have you ever been asked to take someone's picture in public? Most of us have had this experience: a tourist or a family comes over and hands you their smartphone so they can get a complete family pic.

But after you've taken their photo -- a photo, mind you, that you with your photographic expertise deem to be the most beautiful photo they've ever had taken -- have you ever seen them go up to someone else just minutes later and ask them to take the same photo? What the!?

Old Video of Comedian Louis CK Making Fun of ‘Avant-Garde’ Photography

Here's a little dose of humor to brighten your Saturday. Back in the 90s, in a jab at both MTV and "avant-garde" photography, a young Louis CK put this funny little clip together. In it, his name is David Cross (perhaps another jab at his fellow comedian by the same name) and his specialty? Toilet photography.

Craigslist Ad, Spoofed Screenshot Mock Sun-Times After Photographer Layoffs

The Chicago Sun-Times has raised quite a furor talking after unexpectedly laying off its entire photography staff yesterday. Everyone seems to have something to say about it, with some commentators calling it "a sign of the times," while others are wondering whether the newspaper is trying to pull "a union-busting move."

Los Angeles-based writer and comedian Jason Sereno decided to weigh in a different way: he created a tongue-in-cheek Craigslist job listing in Chicago.

Photoshop Chimeras: Fantasy Creatures Created by Splicing Photos

Want to have some fun as you're learning how to use Photoshop for image editing? Try creating a "Photoshop Chimera." In Greek mythology, the Chimera was a monstrous creature composed of three different animals: the lion, snake, and goat. The term "chimera" has since come to describe any imaginary creature that's the mashup of two or more real animals.

Reddit user Arne Olav has attracted some attention as of late for his humorous chimeras created by compositing two different photographs of animals.

What Photographers Would Look Like if Google Glass Took Over the World

Google Glass is set to arrive in the hands of the general public later this year. There are already apps that can trigger the shutter by detecting winks, and some people are already thinking of how the wearable camera can be useful for various photographic applications.

Having always-ready glasses strapped to your face may be convenient, but how will photography look? The video above by Grovo offers a humorous look at what photographers would look like if Google Glass becomes widely used as a camera and camcorder.

Woman Photoshops Herself and Her Cell Phone Camera into Historical Photos

Hungarian photographer and retoucher Flóra Borsi created a popular series of photos last year titled "Photoshop in Real Life." The images imagined what various Photoshop Tools might be used for if they had physical powers in our world, and were quickly shared across the web.

Now Borsi is back with a new set of images that show off her Photoshopping prowess. Titled "Time Travel," the photos show Borsi inserted into various historical photographs of famous individuals.

Political Campaign Photographs Showing a Cute Little Boy Running for President

When the presidential election was looming on the horizon last year, photographer Ashley Pizzuti decided to shoot a project that had been brewing in her mind for some time. Titled "Vote for Chase," the series imagines what political campaign photographs would look like if innocent young children ran for president rather than weathered adult politicians.

Man Asks Strangers If He Can Instagram the Food They’re Eating

One of the stereotypes that has become associated with Instagram users (and smartphone shooters in general) is that they're obsessed with snapping photos of their food. YouTube channel Hungry decided to see how people would react when this obsession is taken too far. They sent a Instagram photographer to random strangers and had him ask if he could photograph their food. Cameras were placed nearby to document their reactions to the strange request.

‘Shopped Pictures of Small House Cats Living as Big Cats in the Wild

For recent Whiskas advertising campaign based around the slogan "Feeding your cat's instincts," photographer George Logan and retoucher Tony Swinney teamed up to create a series of clever photographs showing tiny, domestic house cats engaging in "big cat" activities out in the wild. "Big Cat, Small Cat" is the name of the series.

Trailer Shows Pokemon Snap Turned Into a Live-Action Movie

Here's a bit of silly humor as we're winding down the workweek: if you're a photography enthusiast who has fond memories of playing Pokemon Snap during the days of the Nintendo 64, then you might enjoy this humorous fake trailer by Gritty Reboots, which takes popular movies, TV shows, video games and turns them into cinematic trailers.

This one imagines what a live-action Pokemon Snap movie would be like.

Faking Anime Fight Scenes is Emerging As a Fun Photo Fad in Japan

There's a humorous new photography meme emerging from Japan. Students in the country are shooting photos that look like they're 'Kamehameha' scenes from the popular manga and anime franchise Dragon Ball.

In each shot, one participant poses as a character exploding with energy, while one or more other subjects pretends to be blown away by the force of the blast. As with all of the popular memes that have emerged in recent years, participants are jumping onboard by shooting their own photos and then sharing them on the web.

A Clever Imaginary Friend Photo Prank

Here's something that might give you a chuckle: it's the invisible friend prank. The video above shows magician Rahat Hussein and prankster Jack Vale teaming up to pull this prank on unsuspecting passersby in Hollywood.