The Importance of Angles, or ‘How Not to Take a Selfie’

Here’s a humorous 14-second video that might make that last bit of your Friday workday go by that much faster. In an attempt to prove how important the right angle is when taking a selfie (or any portrait for that matter) a kind girl decided to demonstrate how drastic a difference she could make by simply moving her face and changing the angle of the photo.

She starts with the camera below, making sure to produce as many chins as possible and eliminate any hint of a jawline, and then moves the camera up to a more flattering angle that also takes advantage of the light streaming in from the window to her right. The difference is, shall we say, shocking:


By the way, in case you don’t speak Korean, what she says before moving the camera to the much more flattering angle is “the importance of angles.” She certainly proved her point.

Of course, although this her message is clear, there’s not much instruction there. So if you’d like a little more direction than that, be sure to check out this 15-minute tutorial by Peter Hurley on accentuate your subject’s jawline when taking portraits.

Or, alternatively, if you’d like a little less instruction and a few more laughs, check out the Geraldo Rivera selfie tutorial written by our very own Cheri Frost … those only interested in serious posts need not apply.
