
How I Survived Shooting One of the Coldest NFL Games Ever

After I posted photos from Saturday’s Chiefs vs. Dolphins sub-zero NFL playoff game, I received a lot of messages. Some were from people asking how I was able to stay warm, and the rest were from photographers who all asked the same question: “How did you keep your hands warm?” Short answer? I wasn’t able to keep my fingers warm, but I was able to maintain feeling in them.

9 Tips For Photographing Wildlife In Winter

Most photographers would agree that wildlife photography is challenging, even in pleasant conditions. OM SYSTEM Ambassador and Colorado-based photographer Arthur Leforestier, however, enjoys the challenge and rewards that come with photographing wildlife in harsh winter environments. Capturing compelling images of wild animals in the cold winter months requires careful planning and creative photography, and Leforestier shares with PetaPixel what he has learned throughout his career.

See the Rarely-Photographed Beauty of Winter in Ladakh, India

Venkitesh Ramachandran is a photographer and IT professional based in India who noticed very few images of the Ladakh region of India are widely shared, and even fewer that feature the beauty of its winter months, likely due to the harshness of the climate which can get as cold as -18 degrees Celcius.

Cold Snaps: How To Photograph Siberian Winters

I'm New Zealand-born photojournalist Amos Chapple, and I've worked in some of the most extreme places on earth, most chillingly in Siberia’s “Pole of Cold” where villagers endure temperatures that can drop below -94°F (-70°C). As winter begins to bite, here are six pointers for shooting when the cold gets real.

How to Use Your Camera In the Coldest Places on Earth

When you take your camera to some of the coldest places on Earth, you'll face a unique set of challenges that most photographers never have to worry about. Here's an interesting 9-minute video in which filmmaker and photographer Anthony Powell shares some of his top tips for shooting in the extreme cold.

See the Netherlands’ Historically Cold Winter in Before-and-After Photos

Last week was extremely cold in my country, the Netherlands. February 28th was the coldest 28th of February in history, breaking the record set in 1904. It’s crazy to experience this kind of weather here while some of my friends in Norway and Iceland are having warmer weather.

Shooting with the iPhone in Antarctica

Antarctica is the coldest, driest, and windiest continent on the planet, but despite its hostility and isolation, it is home to some of the most incredible wildlife seen anywhere on Earth, making it a paradise for nature photographers like myself.

Chris Burkard on the Joy of Photographing Surfers in Freezing Waters

Chris Burkard is a California-based surf photographer who has shot for some of the biggest companies and publications in the world. After years of shooting on popular, sun-soaked beaches and making a living through his "dream job," Burkard began to yearn for beaches that weren't dominated by tourists and the comforts of civilization. So, he began traveling to remote -- and often frigid -- shores around the world for surf photos that are off the beaten path.

Photographs of Oymyakon, the Coldest Village on the Face of the Earth

Located in the heart of Siberia, the village of Oymyakon in Russia is widely considered to be the coldest inhabited place on Earth. A temperature of −90 °F (−67.7 °C) was recorded there back in 1933 -- the lowest recorded temperature for any permanently inhabited spot in the world.

New Zealand-based photographer Amos Chapple paid a visit to the 500-person village and captured a series of beautiful photographs showing what life is like inside this extreme village.

Melting Away: A Decade of Arctic and Antarctic Photography by Camille Seaman

More than a decade ago, photographer Camille Seaman visited Alaska, Svalbard and Antarctica, and thus began a love affair with the polar regions that spanned 10 years and tens of thousands of photographs.

Now, the best of her images of icebergs, animals, and Arctic and Antarctic landscapes are being compiled into the photo book Melting Away, poised to be released just as the debate over climate change and its impact reaches a fever pitch.

Extreme Weather and Your Camera: How to Get the Shot and Protect Your Gear

If all outdoor photographers only shot on mild days, photography as an art would be shockingly boring. The best outdoor photography brings nature to life by capturing its extremes. Unfortunately, cameras and equipment are sensitive to those extremes.

To create stunning outdoor photography, you'll need to be prepared for the worst that nature can throw at you and your equipment.

Canon 1D X and 1D C May Have Autofocus Issues… When Shooting Below 0° C

A report on Canon Rumors is pointing out an issue with Canon's flagship full-frame DSLR and its Cinema counterpart: the 1D X and 1D C. Apparently users have been reporting problems with the 1D X's AF when shooting in less than 0° C, and if an anonymous report sent to CR is accurate, Canon knows about the problem.

“Snow Flowers” on the Front of a Lens

Apparently if you shoot in certain environments that are cold enough, beautiful patterns of snow and ice form on the front element of your lens. This is what photographer Alessandro Della Bella's glass looked like as he was shooting at an altitude of around 10,000 feet on Mount Titlis in temperatures of around 1° F.

Cold and Dark Landscapes Illuminated by the Red Glow of Emergency Flares

For his project titled Take Refuge, Los Angeles-based photographer Kevin Cooley shot nighttime landscape photographs with an interesting choice of lighting: military-grade flares -- the kind you find in emergency kits. Each image in the series features the same red glow, whether the flare is held in a subject's hand or hidden behind a feature in the landscape.