
Wirephoto history video

How Photographs Were Transmitted by Wire in 1937

An old video published by Charlie Dean Archives on YouTube shows a dramatization of how photographs were captured in the field and transmitted by wire in the 1930s, fueling fast-paced news decades before the internet was even an idea, let alone the global communications network it is today.

COVID Kiss: The Story Behind a Pulitzer-Winning Photo Series

Last week, Associated Press photographer Emilio Morenatti delivered to a Spanish couple a framed copy of perhaps the most iconic photo of how the coronavirus pandemic has affected the elderly. In the photo, the two are seen embracing through a plastic sheet after 100 days of not seeing each other.

AP Photographers Will Only Shoot Sony From Now On

The Associated Press, one of the world's largest and most respected news agencies, has just announced an exclusive partnership with Sony Imaging. From this point on, Sony will become the exclusive camera supplier for AP news photographers around the world.

Meet a Photographer Whose Camera is Focused on President Trump

Andrew Harnik is a photographer for the Associated Press who's one of the people responsible for covering the President of the United States. In this 5.5-minute episode of Format's InFrame documentary series, we get an insight into Harnik's life behind a lens trained on President Trump.

The Day That Made AP Photographers Switch to 100% Color Film

Prior to January 22, 1987, Associated Press photographers were given a choice of shooting B&W or color film on photo assignments. But on that day, something happened that caused AP photographers to switch to shooting every assignment in color: it was the suicide of American politician R. Budd Dwyer.

AP Photographer Keeps Working as Gunman Assassinates Russian Ambassador

AP photographer Burhan Ozbilici is a photojournalist incredibly dedicated to his job; so dedicated, in fact, that he kept on taking pictures when a gunman shot and killed Russian ambassador Andrei Karlov at a photo gallery in Ankara, Turkey. The photos he captured have instantly risen to iconic status.

AP’s Robot and Remote Canon DSLRs at the Olympics

Before the Olympics began, the Associated Press spent a month installing 35 miles of cables and remote camera systems at the sporting venues at the Rio 2016 Olympics. The 1-minute video above offers a glimpse at how the 8 robots and dozens of remote cameras are being used to capture sports photography during the Games.

Shocking AP Photo Leads to Internal Investigation of Kenyan Police

AP photographer Ben Curtis recently captured a photograph seen round the world. A brutal and shocking image that has sparked outrage and forced Kenya's police chief to launch an internal investigation. (Warning: Some of the content in the video above is graphic. Proceed at your own risk.)