
Architectural Photography Awards 2021

The Best Architectural Photos of 2021

The Architectural Photography Awards (APA) has announced the 2021 winners of its annual competition that appreciates the art of photographing architecture and welcomes both professionals and amateurs alike.

The Geometric Beauty of Abstract Architectural Photography

Architectural photography can offer viewers more than a mere facsimile of what's in front of the camera. Photographer Nikola Olic has shown this through a creative approach by focusing on structural abstracts, alongside quotes that detail the story of each building he photographs.

Photographing Ain Dubai, the World’s Biggest Ferris Wheel

Dubai, the city that is always present when you need urban and architectural wonders. The tallest building in the world, man-made islands with the shape of a palm, a stunning museum dedicated for the future. And now, the largest ferries wheel in the world: Ain Dubai, which means Dubai Eye in Arabic.

Photos of Prague’s Rooftop Creatures

Like countless others around the globe, Prague-based photojournalist Amos Chapple has been locked down at home due to social distancing measures to combat COVID-19. And like many other photographers, he has been taking regular photo walks in his city, and one of the subjects he has been focusing on are the "rooftop creatures" found in the Czech capital.

Capturing One of the Most Unique and Interesting Buildings in the World

I recently had the chance to photograph one of the most interesting and unique buildings in the world. It's called the Goetheanum, and I'm betting most people have never seen anything like it. Most of the pictures we see on a daily basis on Instagram or other social media platforms are very repetitive. The Goetheanum is certainly not that.

An In-Depth Look at Architectural Photography

Architecture is an art form, it is a branch of science, it is a business, it is the architect’s personal expression as well as that of the commissioner. So, it is not surprising that I see architectural photography as overlapping various forms, kinds, branches of photography.

Photos of Utopian Sustainable Spaces in Singapore

The Sustainable Singapore Movement is an ongoing effort by the island city-state to create an environmentally clean and beautiful home for future generations. Photographer Klaus Tan Yihong shot a photo project titled Space Sustainable that provides a beautiful look at the new green spaces found through the country.

DJI’s Shiny New HQ Has a Sky Bridge for Showing Off Drones

The Chinese drone juggernaut DJI has outgrown its current headquarters and is now building a giant new complex for its future. The twin towers will also be located in Shenzhen, Guangdong, and will feature giant quadruple-height indoor drone flight testing spaces as well as a sky bridge that will be used for showing off new drones and technologies.