
Adorable Portraits of Rescued Baby Sloths

Photographer and conservationist Sam Trull originally moved to Costa Rica to study primates... then she met her first sloth. It was Slothlove at first sight, which is, incidentally, also the title of her first photo book dedicated to adorable portraits of rescued sloths.

Adorable Portraits of Dogs Before and After Their Haircut

Here's a little something that's bound to put a smile on your face before you head off into the weekend. It's a new series of dog portraits called Hairy, and they're some of the most adorable before-and-after shots you've ever seen.

Newborn Photos of Ultra Rare Identical Quadruplets

Here's a set of newborn photos you don't see every day: baby photographer Cassandra Jones of Northern Alberta was recently asked to shoot portraits of ultra rare identical quadruplets. It's estimated that there are only about 70 sets of identical quadruplets among the 7.4 billion people on Earth.

Say Woof: Doggy Photo Booth is a Hit

When I heard the news that my town (Glens Falls, NY ) was hosting an event called Pet Fest, I knew I had to be there. My girlfriend, Emily, suggested that we set up a pet photo booth at the event and the idea took off.

Heart-Melting Dog Portraits by Alicja Zmyslowska

Since picking up a camera as a teenager several years ago and shooting her first snapshots of her dog, Polish photographer Alicja Zmysłowska has become a well-known dog photographer whose work has been published internationally.

This Photographer Got Attacked… by a Cute Baby Panda

Getting a baby panda to stay still for your camera can be hard work. Here's an adorable 1-minute video showing how one tiny giant panda cub that just wouldn't work with a photographer/videographer during a shoot -- it just kept chasing the photographer and grabbing onto his legs.

Portraits of Babies in Camera Bags

When photographer Alessandro Della Bella's son Claudio was born in December 2014, he shared the happy news of the new family member by shooting a picture of Claudio sleeping in the main compartment of his camera bag.

Photos of an Unusual Pet Family Are a Hit Online

An unusual family of animals is winning hearts on Instagram. The account @bob_goldenretriever has attracted over 77,000 followers so far by regularly sharing snapshots from the life of one man's pets: a eccentric but tight-knit group that consists of one golden retriever, one hamster, and eight birds.

Photos of the First Weeks of Baby Bunnies’ Lives

When photographer Ashraful Arefin's bunny had babies recently, he decided to document the growth of the new family members through a series of daily photos. Over the course of 24 days, Arefin shot 16 beautiful portraits of the siblings, named Totoro and Chihiro, starting from when they were 6 days old.

Adorable Photos of a Little Trio’s Daily Nap Time

In Jessica Shyba's home, nap time is a sacred ritual. At the same time every day, her son Beau, baby Evangeline, and dog Theo take a cuddly nap together in her room. And while nap time is underway, Shyba will often take the opportunity to capture a heartwarming photograph of the little trio cuddling together in bed.

A Father’s Touching Photos of His Two Sons and Their Teddy Bear

There are few things that symbolize the innocence of childhood the way a teddy bear does. A stuffed companion who is as real to a 2-year-old as anything made of flesh and blood, at that age the teddy bear isn't just something you play with... it plays back.

It's this innocence and wonder that photographer Adrian Murray captures in his touching photographs of his two boys, Emerson and Grayson, and their toy bear.

Polish Photographer Shares Her Passion for Pooches with Extraordinary Puppy Portraiture

Alicja Zmyslowska is a Polish photographer with a passion and a gift for capturing puppies... lots and lots of puppies. From family portraits of pooches and their siblings to sports photos of dogs running through courses, she photographs anything and everything that has to do with man’s best friend, and manages to make her photos stand out from the plethora of dog imagery out there.

This is What Little Puppies Look Like When They’re Shaking Off Water

There's a rule of thumb when it comes to viral dog photography: what's cute with dogs is going to be twice as cute when you shrink your subjects down to puppies.

Photographer Seth Casteel did it with Underwater Dogs and the sequel Underwater Puppies, and we are very happy to inform you that animal photographer Carli Davidson recently decided to take her viral SHAKE photos of dogs and create the photo series and book SHAKE Puppies.

Behind the Scenes: Hanging Out of Moving Car Windows to Captured Doggy Euphoria

Photographer Lara Jo Regan's photo series/book/calendar Dogs in Cars is a fun, tongues-out survey of the euphoria dogs experience on car rides.

We shared the series with you last year, but if you've been wondering how she managed to get such multi-dimensional images from such unique perspectives, she's put together a great behind the scenes video that reveals both her lighting rig and how was she managed to safely hang out of moving car windows.

Puppies Jumping Into Swimming Pools Make for Unbelievably Cute Photos

If you haven't smiled yet today, you're about to. That's because photographer Seth Casteel -- the man behind the NY Times bestseller and viral sensation Underwater Dogs -- is back with another installment of his series that promises to be even more adorable than the first.

How could this possibly be, you ask? Well, for this second iteration, Casteel taught 1,500 puppies how to swim, making the resulting photo book so squee-inducing you might just explode from all the cuteness.