Olympus Exits the Camera Business

After a year of rumors, denials, and backtracking, it's finally official: Olympus is exiting the camera business after an 84-year run as one of the world's most recognizable brands in the industry.

How the National Media Turned Me Into a Trump Supporter

This is a clickbait headline that is totally “true.” Quotation marks intentional. I readily admit to being an old white guy, but I do object to becoming a poster boy for the old lonely white guy Trump supporter without friends.

This Guy Used a Cheap RC Car to Build a DIY Cable Cam

Creator Kasper from the YouTube channel MAKESOME recently set himself a challenge. After a request from his friend and photographer Mick Friis, he decided to try and create a cable cam on the cheap—basically turning an RC car into something like a Wiral LITE, or a smaller version of the Syrp slingshot.

My Photo Shoot with Mike Tyson

Every so often a photo shoot comes along that both excites you and terrifies you at the same time. Today’s article is about one such experience.

Sony a7S III Announcement Delayed (Again) Until Mid-July: Report

According to proven sources cited by Sony Alpha Rumors, Sony management have decided to delay the rumored announcement of the long-awaited Sony a7S III full-frame mirrorless camera until mid-to-end of July. This will allow Sony to announce their camera after Canon is expected to release the EOS R5 and R6, instead of the other way around.

Is Travel Photography Dead?

Okay, I know the title of this article sounds a bit clickbaity -- and to be honest, it is. Proclaiming anything to “be dead” always sounds alarmist. But really, I don’t see a bright future for the medium I love.

Photos of One Forest in All Seasons

Throughout my years as a photographer, I’ve photographed the Dutch forests a lot. I love walking around in the forest on an early morning, clearing my mind, and photographing the first light peeking through the trees. Or shooting during foggy mornings, when the forest turns into a real-life fairytale.

An Introduction to Backgrounds for Portrait Photography

Photographer Miguel Quiles has created a quick, crash-course style video that explores the different types of backgrounds you can buy as a portrait photographer, and then explains why collapsible backgrounds might be the best option if you're just starting out.

Find Mindfulness in Photographing Your Kids

One morning last week, my two-year-old climbed up onto the window seat with his treasured panda bear Lovey fresh off of raiding his sister’s lip gloss collection and pressed his cheek to the window glass.

How Scratch-Proof is a Camera Sensor?

Photographer and YouTuber Arthur R recently received several comments from viewers about how he didn't use a body cap to protect his camera sensor from dust. In response, he decided to do some tests to find out how durable and scratch-proof sensors actually are.

A System for Finding Work as a Photographer

I was recently asked how to find clients by a new photographer making the leap into professional work during this crazed pandemic. It’s tough any time, but at this time it is even harder.

An Introduction to Light in Outdoor Photography

Photography is all about light. To be more precise, photography is all about the quality of the light. This can be a particular challenge for outdoor/landscape photographers.

How to Create a Basic Home YouTube Studio for Less Than $100

If you've been thinking of trying your hand at vlogging or starting a YouTube channel, it might surprise you to learn that you can create a nice-looking "YouTube Studio" setup at home for less that $100. In this video, Boston-based videographer Kellan Reck takes you step-by-step through the whole process.

WANDRD Unveils Extremely Versatile New Adventure Bag for Photographers

The folks over at WANDRD—the bag maker who burst onto the scene a five years ago with the PRVKE—are back with another blockbuster campaign on Kickstarter. Their latest backpack is called the FERNWEH: an "adventure bag" for photographers that tries to balance comfort, access and versatility.

Testing Every New Feature Adobe Just Added to Photoshop and Lightroom

Earlier this week, Adobe released major updates for Photoshop, Lightroom, and Camera RAW, with new and improved features across the board. But if the announcement was a bit overwhelming, don't worry: Colin Smith at PhotoshopCAFE has put together a demo of every new feature that Adobe just added to these products.

Tokina Unveils New 11-20mm f/2.8 Zoom Lens for Crop Sensor DSLRs

As promised back in March, Tokina has just the ATX-i 11-20mm f/2.8 CF: an ultra-wide angle zoom lens for crop-sensor DSLRs from Nikon and Canon. With a fixed f/2.8 aperture and affordable price tag, it should prove to be a very popular option for APS-C users.

Olympus Patents ‘High-Performance’ Drone Camera

A patent recently that was recently unearthed purports to show a high-end drone camera that Olympus has been working on. PetaPixel has obtained the full patent application, which describes a camera system that would feature a high-end zoom lens and high-performance sensor.

A Beginner’s Guide to Mastering the Pen Tool in Photoshop

Los Angeles-based automotive photographer Dave Cox (AKA @ShootingDave) has put together a useful beginner's guide that will help you master what he's calling "the sexiest tool" in Photoshop: the Pen Tool. "Sexy" might sound like a stretch, but Dave has a point. The Pen Tool can make detailed masking a breeze... if you know how to use it.