Webb searching for small, bright, and ancient galaxies that could upend cosmological theory.

Webb Can See Far Enough to Test Theories of Dark Matter

The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) upended beliefs about the fundamental nature of the Universe, delivering evidence that the Universe was not slowing down, as gravity seemingly implied it must be, but expanding. 25 years later, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) can help scientists make another breakthrough.

How to Use the Camera Raw Filter in Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop contains a very broad and deep set of tools for making edits and adjustments to images. While there is little limitation to what can be achieved using the native tools available in Photoshop for more than two decades, they may not be as intuitive and user-friendly to photographers who have spent most of their time editing raw images in Lightroom.

Zeiss Nano Prime cinema lenses for full-frame E-mount cameras

New Zeiss Nano Prime T1.5 Full-Frame Cine Lenses Range from 18 to 100mm

Following a short teaser campaign and a lengthy hiatus in the interchangeable lens space, Zeiss has announced a new series of cinema lenses for full-frame mirrorless cameras. The Zeiss Nano Prime lenses come in six focal lengths, ranging from 18mm to 100mm, and every lens features a fast T1.5 aperture.

OM System OM-1 II Review: Could This Have Been a Firmware Update?

OM-1 Mark II Review

When OM Digital Solutions purchased, and thereby saved, Olympus' incredible photographic history and slate of digital cameras from the brink of collapse in 2021, there were many questions about what would happen to the Olympus Micro Four Thirds system. OM answered these concerns the following year with the OM System OM-1 camera, the most impressive Micro Four Thirds camera ever released at the time.

Fujifilm XF 16-55mm f/2.8 Lens Firmware Fix Arrives –Fujifilm

Fuji XF 16-55mm firmware update issue

Last week, PetaPixel reported that firmware version 1.30 for the XF 16-55mm f/2.8 R LM WR zoom lens had been suspended due to a bug that impacted exposure accuracy. At the time, Fujifilm said it was working on emergency firmware to alleviate the issue for users who had updated to version 1.30 before it was pulled. The new fix arrived today in the form of version 1.31. Any users who had upgraded to version 1.30 should immediately download and install version 1.31. Complete installation details are available on Fujifilm’s support page.