Stunning! Rare Atmospheric Phenomenon Fills the Entire Grand Canyon with Fog

Stunning, breathtaking, Oh Em Gee, however you want to put it, the photos in this post are incredible to look at and incredibly difficult to capture. Not because it takes any crazy skills to properly photograph the Grand Canyon, but because the atmospheric conditions necessary to make these photos possible happens only about once per decade!

Metabones Works Some More Magic With Its New Speedboosters for Blackmagic

Metabones, maker of the impressive Speedbooster adapters is back at it again. When the Speedbooster first came out, I wrote about it being like magic, increasing the aperture and field-of-view of Nikon and Canon full-frame lenses mounted to NEX and micro 4/3 cameras, while maintaining or even improving image quality. Now they’ve brought the Metabones magic to the Blackmagic cinema and pocket cinema cameras.

Android Shutterbugs Rejoice, VSCO Cam Has Arrived!

When it comes to photo apps, VSCO Cam is one that stands out from the myriad other options out there. But, up until now, only iOS users could enjoy the app that calls itself "the standard of mobile photography." All of that changes today with the release of VSCO Cam for Android.

Introducing Bokeh, a Mobile Lifeblogging App for Saving and Sharing Moments

If you're a longtime reader of this blog, you may have noticed that our news editor DL Cade has been running the show as of late. Here's the reason: for the past 3-4 months, I've been hard at work building a new website and service -- one that we're finally revealing to the world today.

It's called Bokeh, and is a mobile lifeblogging service that lets you save and share all of life's little moments through an easy-to-use app and easy-to-browse website.

Beautiful Time-Lapse and Photos of Fog Rolling Through the Rocky Mountains

Last week, photographer Richard Gottardo decided to trek into the Rocky Mountains (not his first time by any means) for a couple of days because, as he puts it, "conditions looked right for some good fog." Two days in the mountains, 620 miles of driving and about 18 hours worth of shooting later, he returned with some gorgeous footage that he was kind enough to send our way.

The Arcanum: An Online ‘Hogwarts’ Where You Can Learn One-on-One from the Pros

In the past, before resumes, interviews and portfolios, there was the master/apprentice relationship. If you wanted to learn a trade, craft or skill, you sought out a master of that skill and humbly asked for their tutelage.

That system has all but disappeared where most professions are concerned, but photographer Trey Ratcliff wants to bring it back into the world of the arts, and he's doing it through a newly-formed online "Magical Academy for the Mastery of the Arts" that he's calling "The Arcanum."

‘Spinning Mountain’ Hyperlapse Makes You Feel Like You’re Flying Around Mt. Hood

Kevin Parry and Andrea Nesbitt of Candy Glass Productions have a thing for creating 'spinning' hyperlapses that make you feel like you're flying around a landmark at super-speed. But while they've taken on landmarks like the CN tower and a few notable San Francisco locations before, they recently took their craft to the next level when they decided to 'spin' an entire mountain. (Note: Spinning mountain starts at 1:15 in the video above).

Photographer Benjamin Von Wong Turns a Shy Email into a Dream Come True

Photographers have the power to make dreams come true, and if you've ever doubted that statement you won't after watching the video above and hearing the story behind it -- a story that includes a sweet, sick woman's shy email, and a photographer's determination to come through no matter what.

Eric Kim Hits the Pavement with SF Street Photographer Jack Simon

There's something inspirational about watching a seasoned photographer work at his craft -- whether it's a studio photog who molds light to his will or a street photographer whose demeanor and results both scream professionalism.

Jack Simon falls under the latter of those categories, and in the video above, fellow street photographer Eric Kim takes us behind the scenes with Simon as he walks the streets of San Francisco.

OKDOTHIS: An App for Photographers that Never Lets You Run Out of Ideas

One of the more difficult things about being a creative is having to come up with fresh ideas on a daily basis, constantly challenging yourself and expanding your horizons. These things aren't always easy and it's not uncommon to find yourself in a creative rut with (seemingly) nowhere to turn.

Thankfully, there's a new app in town that is designed to help you out of those kinds of situations while simultaneously keeping you on your game even when you are inspired. It's called OKDOTHIS.

Photographer Captures the Uplifting Story of His Premature Son’s First Year of Life

A few commenters have on occasion joked that we need to add a "tenuous links to photography" category for those stories where, strictly speaking, there's not much photography involved. The video above might quality, but we ask your forgiveness ahead of time because, a) there is a link, and b) it is one of the most touching, uplifting and inspirational things we've seen in a long time.

Gorgeous Photograph of a Cap Cloud over the Sierra Nevadas

Sometimes you run across a photo that causes you to feel equal parts wonder and envy all at the same time. Wonder because the photo is just amazing; and envy because... well... you didn't take it. The photo above by photographer Guido Montañés is such a photo.

Humor: Portraits of Wet Dogs Taken Mid-Bath

Our quest to continue giving dogs the attention they deserve in the photography world continues (for the record, we don't dislike cats... we just think they get too much attention). We've had dogs shaking, dogs licking and now, for the sake of rhyming, dogs dripping.

This series is called Wet Dog, and it's a fun and funny series by pet photographer Sophie Gamand of Striking Paws Photography.

Photog Uses Face Paint to Create Stunning Portraits that Look Two-Dimensional

The 2D or Not 2D series isn't the first time Russian photographer Alexander Khokhlov has dabbled in painting his models faces and taking striking portraits of the results. His Weird Beauty series got quite popular, with black and white designs jumping out at you from the faces of his made-up models.

2D or Not 2D, however, is different -- and not just because he used color this time. It's different because the point of each photo is to trick your mind into thinking you're looking at a two-dimensional painting.