
Man’s $650 World Series Ticket Stolen Through Instagram Photo

Heads up: you should never post photos of modern event tickets online. A Boston Red Sox baseball fan just learned this lesson the hard way. After sharing a photo of his $650 ticket to Game 2 of the World Series on Instagram, he was later shocked to discover that someone had used it in his place.

Dear Wedding Vendors: Photographers Don’t Owe You Images

In a recent episode of the podcast we host, The Secret Life of Weddings, we chatted about a major hot topic among wedding photographers these days. We got a little heated and felt it was important enough to write out our thoughts as well.

PSA: It’s ‘Bokeh’ not ‘Bokuh’

There are many sounds that native American English speakers have trouble reproducing. The French “r” (aka the “voiceless uvular fricative”), the rolled double “rr” in Spanish, tonal sounds in various Chinese languages like Mandarin and Cantonese.

Be Wary of the Wellcome Photography Prize

The Wellcome Trust is the world’s second largest charitable trust with an endowment of approximately £23.2 billion (~$30 billion). For the past 20 years, it has produced a photo contest called the Wellcome Image Awards, and this year, it rebranded the contest as the Wellcome Photography Prize.

How Caffeine Made Me Kill My $2,400 Sony RX1 Camera

Here's a warning to all the photographers out there: caffeine and complicated camera repairs do not mix well. I found out the hard way and killed my $2,400 Sony RX1 full frame compact camera.

Is National Geographic Fine Art a Ripoff for Photographers?

I recently received an email from National Geographic Fine Art Galleries (NGFA) for a request to include one of my photos in their galleries. It was a photo from 2012 of the Village of Gasadalur, which was published in the Dec. 2012/Jan. 2013 issue of Nat Geo Traveler. However, after I received additional information, any initial excitement turned into disappointment.

I Opted Out at 500px But Getty Images is Selling My Photos Anyway

When Getty Images set up its contributor agreement with Flickr in 2008 to allow Flickr users to sell their photos, I enabled the feature. While not a professional photographer, I had been approached a couple of times in the past about licensing some of my shots and thought the opportunity to sell through Getty Images could formalize this process.

The Instagram Generation is Really Bad News for Beauty Spots

Photography is an ever-evolving, ever-changing hobby, career and art-form. Over the years the cameras have evolved from primitive wooden boxes powered by chemicals, into technologically-advanced power-packed gizmos that enable pretty much anyone to take a good photograph in pretty much any environment.

Why You Don’t Put a Cheap Filter on an Expensive Lens

I recently took my Sony A7 III and a rented $2,500 Sony FE 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 GM OSS lens to the 2018 Montreal GP. A friend of mine had recommended that I use a polarizer. I remembered that I had a pack of 77mm Vivitar Series 1 filters that came with my 24-105mm, so I threw that onto the 100-400mm and started shooting, completely zoomed at 400mm.

Beware: Amazon Still Sells Counterfeit Memory Cards

Photographer and Nikon Ambassador Charmi Patel Peña ordered four $60 128GB SanDisk SDXC memory cards from Amazon last month. Things seemed fine... until the cards started constantly stopping her camera. Peña then examined the cards more closely and realized that all of the cards were counterfeit.

This DSLR Battery Burst Into Flames

It is often warned that lithium ion batteries can pose a safety risk by catching fire unexpectedly. Norwegian photographer Vidar A. Bøen recently experienced that first hand when one of the batteries used in his Nikon DSLR burst into flames.

This is Why You Need to Be Careful with Camera Clips

Modern quick-release camera clips are designed to hold your camera firmly when it's not needed while allowing it to detach easily when it is. But if there's any equipment or user failure in the system, that failure could be catastrophic for your gear... and that's what one photographer just found out the hard way.

How a Sigma Art Lens Messed Up My Ferrari Photo Shoot

My name is Steffen Jahn, and I'm a seasoned car photographer based in Germany. With over 20 years in the business and having worked with all the famous manufacturers like Porsche, Lamborghini, Ferrari, Mercedes and Audi, I have a basic understanding what professional car photography is all about.

Do NOT Do This to Iconic Landmarks

New York-based photographer Felix Kunze was recently visiting the iconic Lion's Head mountain in Table Mountain National Park in Cape Town, South Africa, when he came across this sight at his favorite rock in a well-known lookout: a group of people had decided to scribble their full names into the rock that's featured in countless photos.

Photographers, Beware These Fake Gig Scam Emails

Some of you are familiar with the “Family Reunion” scam email that floated around a couple of years ago. Well, I recently received an email and after some digging, I wasn’t the only one to have received it. Many other photographers have received this same new email.

I Almost Lost a Nikon D850 to a Scam on eBay

This is the story of how I recently almost lost a Nikon D850 DSLR to a scam on eBay. Scammers are now targeting higher value eBay sales with fake PayPal phishing emails.

Photographers: Beware Violent Antifa Protestors

This past Sunday, I photographed the "Rally against Hate" protests in Berkeley, California, which was organized to oppose a "Say No To Marxism" rally that had been planned. There was very little representation of the so-called alt-right at the park on Sunday. However, there were 100 to 200 Antifa (or anarchists, or whatever they are called) who showed up dressed in all black to the protest.

This is How Shooting the Sun Can Melt Your Camera

Planning to photograph the upcoming solar eclipse? You'd better make sure you have the right solar filter to protect your camera. Here's a 2-minute video that shows how shooting the sun without protection can completely melt your DSLR's guts.

I Fell Victim to a $1,500 Used Camera Lens Scam on Amazon

I’ve been ordering used lenses for years and have never had a problem with any purchases. That is, until now. I recently ordered a $1,500 used camera lens from Amazon. The lens never showed up, and Amazon is refusing to return my money because they claim the tracking number shows that it was delivered to my address.