
Eight Photoshop Visual Pranks To Try on April Fools’ Day

Tomorrow is April Fools' Day, and with such a bummer of a year leading up to this point (and things are only now just starting to look better in a few places), everyone could use some laughs. To that end, photographer Richard Wakefield shows how you can create eight visual jokes in Photoshop.

London Fashion Week Photogs Tricked by Grandma in Outrageous Outfit

YouTubers Zac and Jay pulled a prank on London Fashion Week photographers earlier this month. In an attempt to highlighting how ridiculous some modern "fashion" looks to the typical viewer, they dressed up a grandma in a mishmash of random props and clothing... and somehow got her featured on

Actress Pranks Lewd Insta-Perverts with Fake Cleavage Photo

Like many women these days, German actress and model Palina Rojinski has been on the receiving end of wildly inappropriate and lewd comments left on her Instagram photos. She recently got back at the abusive and sexist Internet commenters in quite a clever way: by sharing a fake cleavage photo featuring a guy's butt crack.

Fake Model Wearing Ridiculous Outfits Tricks Fashion Week Photographers

The world of high fashion can get weird, and YouTubers Zac and Jay wanted to see whether they could fake their way to the top of London Fashion Week 2019 by capitalizing on this weirdness. As you can see in this humorous 15-minute video, they accomplished their goal in getting photographers to buy the ruse, hook, line, and sinker.

This Guy Ruins His Friends’ Instagram Food Photos

In the age of Instagram, snapping a photo of a picture-perfect meal before eating it has become something of a ritual (science also suggests it helps food taste better). But one guy has made it a ritual of his own to ruin his friends' Instagram food photos and capture their horrified expressions.

Kodak Pranks Londoners, Pretends to Erase Their Phones and Photos

Kodak Moments UK pulled a cringe-worthy prank on a few Londoners recently. They attracted unsuspecting strangers to their display under the guise of a "custom-built, super-fast phone charger," and then promptly 'wiped' all of the data off of their smartphones... oops.

100 Photographers ‘Flash Mob’ a Couple’s First Dance

During a wedding reception back in September 2013, photographer Tammy Bryan and the couple decided to have a little fun with the guests by organizing a flash mob. Bryan is the organizer of the Greater Cincinnati Photographers Club, and she asked 100 of the group's photographers to help brighten up the first dance... literally.

My Hobby: Messing with Nigerian 419 Scammers That Target Photographers

PetaPixel has written a number of times in the past about Nigerian 419 scammers targeting photographers and photography assistants. After spending time setting up business arrangements, the scammers will use shady tactics to try and steal your hard-earned money.

I'm a freelance photographer, and I recently got sick and tired of being contacted by these scammers. To get back at them, I started having ridiculous conversations with them to lead them on and piss them off. I also started publishing the exchanges on a new site called Messing with Scammers.

‘Ninja Snap’ App Lets You Prank Nosey Friends with Your Android Camera

Have you ever tried to show a friend a photo on your phone, only to have them start swiping through your entire personal photo collection uninvited? If you do know someone like that, there's now a lighthearted way to prank them. It's an Android app called Ninja Snap that will surprise nosey swipers by showing them their own face in your album.

Couple Uses Cute Group Photo Trick to Tell Their Friends They’re Having a Baby

If you need a reason to crack a smile today, or you and your significant other just found out you're having a baby and you'd like to announce it in a fun and creative way, San Francisco couple Kat and Kris can help.

Instead of just delivering the news directly, the couple pretended they were taking a group photo of their friends and shot video instead. When the time came for the standard "say cheese" moment at the end of the countdown, they instead told everyone to say "Kat's pregnant" and waited for the lightbulb to go off.

Humor: Can This Group of 40 Get a Single Person to Take 40 Photos of Them?

There was a time, before selfies and social networks and WiFi built in to most consumer-level cameras, that getting a group shot in a busy tourist setting required two steps. Step one: ask a stranger to take your group's photo, and Step Two: apologize profusely as, one by one, every person in your group keeps handing the kind stranger ANOTHER camera so they can have a picture too.

Those days are, for the most part, gone. But back in 2009, an Australian comedy show called The Chaser's War on Everything had some fun with 'step two.'

A Roundup of April Fools’ 2014 Jokes in the World of Photography

As we've done for the past couple of years, rather than try our hand at comedy and post something tricky on April Fools, we instead round up all the best photography April Fools' jokes we can find and post them all in one place.

Buckle up, enjoy the ride, and try to imagine a world where these ideas were actually real.

Photo Prank: Twins Pretend to ‘Teleport’ While Strangers Take Their Picture

It's the weekend, which means we get to share something silly with you to help you either forget about last week, put off thinking about next week, or both.

Last week, we shared a humorous video in which pranksters used a squirt gun camera to covertly spray unwitting tourists in London. In this week's video, twins Jack and Finn of JacksGap pretend to "teleport" mid picture to the astonishment of the stranger they roped into taking their photo.