
This Official Canon Teddy Bear Comes with Its Own DSLR

Some parents try to get their kids to fall in love with photography from an early age. If you are a diehard Canon shooter who wants your child to share that same loyalty in their formative years, look no further than this official Canon teddy bear.

How to Make a Camera Lens Lamp

After Canon handed out camera lens mugs at the Vancouver Winter Olympics in 2010, novelty lens look-alike mugs and cups have flooded the market. If you've received one or more of them as gifts, one thing you can do is turn them into camera lens desk lamps.

This Vintage Nikon Camera is Made of Chocolate

Here's a camera that provides smooth results... on your taste buds. Over in the UK, the chocolate shop The Amazing Chocolate Workshop is selling a vintage Nikon SLR camera created entirely of luxury Italian chocolate.

Novelty Clocks That Look Like Camera Gear

Want to keep time with a clock inspired by camera gear? Here's a roundup of timepieces based on cameras, lenses, and rolls of film. (Note: The clocks on this list may or may not still be available for purchase.)

Photos of Some of the Wackiest Novelty Toy Cameras Made in The Past

Sometime after George Eastman brought a camera into every home and before Apple put a capable camera into every pocket, the toy camera was born. And the new book "Camera Crazy" by Christopher D. Salyers and Buzz Poole celebrates the rich, colorful, and sometimes silly history of these novelty shooters by introducing you to some of the most iconic of the many that have been released.

This Selfie Toaster Can Burn Your Portrait Onto Your Morning Toast

Want further evidence of how far the concept of a "selfie" has spread in our culture? Look no further than this wacky Selfie Toaster by the Vermont Novelty Toaster Corp. Simply provide your favorite shot of your beautiful face, and the company will send you a toaster that can burn your likeness into toast for your morning meal.