
Shooting Portraits with a Giant Moon Using a 1120mm Lens

Photographer Eric Pare recently went out into the desert and shot a set of photos showing a model sitting next to the moon. And the size of the moon in the photos wasn't faked. Pare managed to capture a gigantic moon by using a 1120mm lens and having his model sit very far away.

Creating a Conceptual Photo of the Full Moon Getting Swapped In

Conceptual photographer Erik Johansson created this beautiful and surreal image titled "Full Moon Service," showing a couple of workers swapping in a full moon to maintain the lunar phases. Johansson has also released a fascinating behind-the-scenes look at how the project was done, from concept to final shot.

This Photo Contains the Moon, Jupiter, and Jupiter’s Moons

On April 10th, 2017, there was a special meeting in the night sky: the Moon was seen close to Jupiter and Jupiter's four largest moons, known as the Galilean moons. Photographer Göran Strand went out and captured the beautiful photo above of the entire group in a single frame.

Saturn’s Moon Pan Looks Like a Ravioli in New NASA Photos

NASA has just released new raw photos of Saturn's tiny moon Pan, captured on March 7th, 2017, by the Cassini space probe from about 15,000 miles away (~24,500km). The photos reveal a bizarre-looking moon -- one that looks like a giant ravioli floating in space (or a dumpling or walnut or "paper mache mini-planet").

Finding and Photographing a Lunar ‘Fog Bow’: What to Look For

A month ago I had never seen a lunar fog bow; now I have seen three. I got to see my first lunar fog bow on December 17th, and last night I got to see two more of these elusive phenomena. We had lots of fog around the city of Östersund and since it was the night of the full moon, I drove around chasing locations where I could see this beautiful phenomenon.

This Photo Captures Lava, Milky Way, Meteor, and Moon in a Single Shot

Adventure photographer Mike Mezeul II captured something truly extraordinary a couple of weeks ago. While hiking around Volcanoes National Park on the Big Island of Hawaii one night in September, he managed to capture the moon, the milky way, a meteor, and flowing lava in a single frame.

I Captured the Moon, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter in One Photo… by Accident

Yesterday I spent the day out with my family at Paraparumu beach, part of the idyllic Kapiti Coast on the Lower West Coast of the North Island, New Zealand. The long flat coastline is perfect for a day out with the family, and the coast features the iconic Kapiti Island, which is a prominent subject for anyone who likes to take photos.

Lytro’s First VR Demo Uses Immerge to Take You to the Moon

In 2015, light-field camera startup Lytro did a huge pivot, redirecting its focus from consumer light-field cameras (the original and the Illum) to its new light field virtual reality camera, the Immerge. Today the company released a first peek at what the Immerge can do.

Mountain Biking At Night, Shot Under Moonlight with the Sony a7S II

Photographer Justin Olsen of Salt Lake City, Utah, recently visited a mountain biking trail at night with Cody Kelley, the world's 39th ranked rider. While Kelley did runs and jumps, Olsen shot video entirely by moonlight using the Sony a7S II. The 1-minute Red Bull video above is what resulted.

Shooting the Moon with a Raspberry Pi Camera and Canon EF Lens

Shooting the moon has been a little obsession of mine for a very long time (ever since I started photography). I guess it is my love of impossible images, science fiction, and science fact that drove me to want to take photographs of the moon.

A Photo of the Earth and Moon Taken From Mars

Here's a beautiful photo of the Earth and Moon in a single frame, captured back on October 3, 2007 by the HiRISE camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Our planet was about 88 million miles away from the camera.

How I Photographed the ISS Transiting the Moon

A while back I shared an article that explained how I photographed a plane flying "across" the moon during a supermoon event. Over the weekend I’ve been out chasing another similar type of image: one of the International Space Station transiting the moon.

The Apollo Mission Photos as a Stop Motion Journey to the Moon and Back

People are having fun remixing those 8,400 Apollo moon mission photos that were uploaded to Flickr last week. A couple of days ago, we shared a video that brought the photos to life with faux slow-motion that was added with Photoshop and After Effects.

The video above is another interesting remix. It's the photo set turned into a 3-minute stop-motion video that shows the astronauts journey to the moon and back.

This Gorgeous Film Shows Photographers In Front of a Rising Supermoon

This past weekend, the day before the supermoon lunar eclipse, photographer Mark Gee decided to take advantage of the extra large moon his own way. Gee recruited a bunch of local photographers from Wellington, New Zealand, and had them photograph the moon from a hill while Gee filmed the moonrise in the background.

What resulted was the 2-minute short film above, titled "Photographers Moonrise," which shows photographers being dwarfed by an enormous supermoon rising into the sky.