
Israel surveillance program in Gaza, illustrative image

Israel’s Vast Facial Recognition Program in Gaza Exposed

Israel intelligence officials are reportedly using cameras with facial recognition technology to surveil Palestinians and identify suspected militants. However, while the technology was initially used to search for kidnapped Israelis in Gaza, it is reportedly now being used, to mixed results, to flag members of Hamas.

Mea Shearim: B&W Photos of One of Jerusalem’s Oldest Jewish Settlements

Mea Shearim was established in 1874 as the fifth settlement outside the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem. Its name is derived from a verse in the weekly Torah portion that was read the week the settlement was founded: "Isaac sowed in that land, and in that year he reaped a hundredfold (מאה שערים, Mea Shearim); God had blessed him" (Genesis 26:12).

Photographing the Hula Valley, Rest Stop for Half a Billion Birds Every Year

The Hula is an agricultural region located in northern Israel with abundant fresh water. It is a major stopover for various birds’ migration path along the Syrian-African Rift Valley between Africa, Europe, and Asia. An estimated half a billion birds are passing through the Hula Valley every year.

‘My Saddest Photo Yet’: Does Astronaut Photo from Space Show Israel and Gaza Burning?

German astronaut Alexander Gerst sparked quite a discussion online yesterday by uploading the photograph above to Twitter. His caption read: "My saddest photo: from the #ISS , we see explosions and rockets over #Gaza and #Israel."

Before long, the photograph was retweeted and republished far and wide, with many people and publications commenting on how horrible it is that the fighting is so intense that the rockets and fires can be captured from space... Or can they?