
This Algorithm Can Tell How Memorable a Photo Is

Some photographs have the power to burn themselves into our memories for a long time, while others are easily forgettable after they're seen. Scientists are MIT have been researching the science behind memorable images, and now they've created a web app called LaMem that can analyze any photo and assign it a memorability score.

Akiwi is a Semi-Automatic Image Tagging Website

Akiwi is a new website that's designed to help you keyword photographs with minimal effort. It's a semi-automated image tagging system that is easier than manually tagging and more accurate than automatic image recognition.

Cameras of the Future Will Be Able to Identify Things They See

One of the emerging trends in the world of photography is the idea of automated recognition and tagging of things found in photographs. Flickr can now suggest autotags for your photos, and Google's new Photos service lets you search through your unlabeled photos using advanced image recognition.

The same technologies are coming for real-time camera features as well. Qualcomm is working on a system called SceneDetect that lets cameras recognize what they're looking at in real time.

Wolfram’s New Image Identify Website Will Tell You What Your Photo Shows

Earlier this month, Microsoft generated quite a bit of buzz by launching a site that can guess the age and gender of people in photos. Wolfram Research just one-upped that.

The software company has just launched a new website called the Image Identification Project that can identify the subject of any photograph you show it.

Yahoo! Snaps Up Startup IQ Engines, Will Improve Flickr Organization and Search

Yahoo! certainly doesn't shy away from acquiring companies it believes will help its cause. In some cases those acquisitions turn into long-term investments ala Flickr, in others the acquired company just sort of disappears.

The latest acquisition news out of the Yahoo! camp is that image-recognition startup IQ Engines is joining the Flickr team in order to help improve the organization and search features of the photo sharing site.