
Record Label Insults Photographer After Stealing Her Photos

Photographers commonly deal with photos being used without permission these days, but oftentimes infringements can be resolved in a friendly and agreeable way. Concert photographer Adrienne Row-Smith recently experienced the opposite: after asking nicely that her misused photos be taken down, Row-Smith received some angry words for a music label.

Imatag Uses Invisible Watermarks to Protect Your Photos

Imatag is a new service that uses invisible watermarks to protect photographs from copyright infringement. With the development of AI technology that can easily remove physical watermarks, more covert solutions could be a solution for photographers looking to identify and prove ownership of copied images online.

When a Copyright Infringement Search Tool Gets Its Copyright Infringed

My name is Leila Boujnane, and I'm the CEO of TinEye, a reverse image search tool many photographers use to find copyright infringements on the Internet. This post is about how not even copyright infringement search tools are immune to copyright infringement.

Netflix Stole My VHS Cassette Photos for Its Stranger Things Boxed Set

Maybe you’re aware of Netflix. Maybe you even have a subscription for their services. You might have also heard of or watched a series called Stranger Things, produced by Netflix. But did you know that Netflix has been selling a Collector's Edition box set of Stranger Things that incorporates pictures from my webpage, The VHS Corner? I didn’t, until some kind netizens contacted me to tell me all about it.

Photographer Sues CBS for Copyright Infringement, CBS Sues Back

There's a strange legal battle going on right now between a photographer and a giant online media company. After being sued by the photographer for infringing on his photo copyrights, CBS has responded by filing its own copyright infringement lawsuit against the photographer... for sharing 59-year-old TV show still frames on social media.

House Bill Introduced for Copyright Small Claims

Photographers in the United States are now one step closer toward seeing a copyright small claims system for pursuing infringements on a smaller scale. A new bipartisan House bill has introduced the CASE Act, which stands for the "Copyright Alternative in Small-Claims Enforcement Act of 2017."

Photographer Sues Proctor & Gamble Over Copyright in $75 Million+ Case

A photographer is suing consumer products giant Procter & Gamble, accusing the corporation and the world's largest advertiser of not paying her for photos that have appeared on Olay packaging and marketing materials used around the world. An expert on the photographer's side estimates that P&G could owe more than $75 million.

No, You Can’t Use My Photos On Your Brand’s Instagram For Free

My name is Max Dubler, and I am a professional photographer who has been working full time in downhill skateboarding for the last several years. I am a well-known person within this little niche: I started an influential website with my friends, was on staff for the only downhill magazine since its first issue, have written extensively about downhill skate safety, and have been hired by almost every major downhill skate brand to shoot photos.

Federal Jury Awards $900K to Plant Retailer in Photo Theft Lawsuit

An Oregon-based plant retailer was just awarded almost one million dollars in actual damages by a federal jury in one of the biggest photography copyright wins of the year so far. Despite the strange circumstances of this case, it's being called, "a huge win for artists, photographer, and creators."

The State of Photo Theft in 2016

The folks over at the image tracking service Pixsy have released an infographic about the state of photo theft in 2016. As 64% of you have personally experienced, photo theft remains a serious and widespread problem in our digital age.

What Do You Do when Someone Steals Your Photo for ‘A Good Cause’?

In about one week, we will mark the anniversary of the most traumatic and violent piece of French history in the last decades. On the 13th of November, 2015, several coordinated terrorist attacks took place in Paris, less than a year after the attacks against the newspaper Charlie Hebdo.