Lucky Accidents: Viewing Corrupted JPEG Photos in a New Light

I've always had bad luck with portable hard drives. Over the years I have had failures with several brands and models, so nowadays I have almost everything in the cloud for more security. The last time this happened was a couple of months ago: one of my backup hard drives became corrupt, I took it to the tech and they gave me a very high quote that at the moment I could not afford to pay.

Flange Distance and Mount Diameter Explained by a Lens Engineer

Nikon has understandably made a big deal about launching their new Z-mount alongside the announcement of their new mirrorless cameras, the Z6 and Z7. The Nikon F-mount was originally released 59 years ago and the company has made backward compatibility of the system a brand pillar.

Creating a Football Concussion Photo Illustration

I was commissioned recently to create a photo illustration for Houston Methodist Hospital Foundation’s Annual Report for a story on concussions in high school football players. This is a big issue not just for the NFL but also in youth sports.

Photographers, Let’s Make Peace Over Our Cameras

With the release of Nikon’s new mirrorless camera and the impending release of Canon’s competitor, we are seeing the future of photography as we know it. However, in the response of some we are also seeing the demise of the community as a whole.

These 16 Self-Portraits Were Shot Using Only Home Lighting

Back in February, I created several self-portraits using only lights from around my house. I wanted an exercise in something outside of my current comfort zone and to challenge myself to get back to my photography roots.

Why I’m Taking a Chance on the Nikon Z6

Last week, I went out on a limb and pre-ordered the 24-megapixel Nikon Z6, which should ship on November 30. It is a bit of a flyer, but assuming my instincts are correct, the camera will replace my second body, my D750.

Focus Stacking Made Simple: Get Pin-Sharp Photos in 90 Seconds

The popularity and widespread use of focus stacking in landscape photography have dramatically increased over the last few years. The concept typically reserved for macro photography has quickly won over countless outdoor photographers worldwide. With more and more landscape enthusiasts using wide angle lenses to capture images with dramatic foreground elements, it’s become nearly impossible to create front-to-back pin-sharp photos.

This Eclipse Photo Was Shot from a Commercial Plane at 39,000ft

Photographers across the country pointed their cameras at the Sun during "The Great American Eclipse" on August 21st, 2017, but photographer Jon Carmichael managed to capture one of the most memorable shots from an unusual vantage point: he was sitting on a commercial airliner at 39,000 feet.

Burglars Are Focusing In On Camera Stores Across the U.S.

It seems that burglars are increasingly targeting camera stores across the United States, going as far as to cut holes in buildings (or ramming holes with cars) in order to steal thousands upon thousands of dollars worth of equipment in a matter of minutes.

My Photos of Kyrgyzstan, The Hidden Gem of Central Asia

I just returned from 3 weeks in Kyrgyzstan. As a landscape photographer, I have traveled to lots of countries in the world so I guess I can say I am ‘used’ to beautiful landscapes. Until recently, however, Central Asia was unknown territory for me.

Why Nikon’s New Mirrorless Cameras Mostly Disappoint Me (On Paper)

Nikon announced their new Z6 and Z7 cameras this week, and for the most part I’m kind of disappointed with the offerings. I personally don’t think they are bad cameras, though -- I just think that considering the competition and the state of interchangeable lens cameras in 2018, Nikon is lagging far behind the competition.

How to Look After Your Eyes as a Photographer

Sight is very important to me. It’s one of my senses that I don’t think I could ever do without. A musician might fear going deaf, but I could live with that. I’d rather not have to but if it came down to losing my hearing or losing my vision, I’d take being deaf. That’s just me.

Canon Will Dominate Mirrorless Too

Over the last few years, we've seen how Sony has made some pretty huge gains in the photography industry. This is especially true for the mirrorless market and plenty of photographers have switched from DSLR cameras to Sony mirrorless cameras. Even still, I predict that once Canon releases its mirrorless cameras, it will eventually dominate that industry too.