Search Results for: netflix

How I Bring My Sketches to Life as Conceptual Photo Art

For a digital artist like me, getting those unique ideas for my images is one of the most important things. I see the ideas in my dreams, when I read a magazine, when I’m out for a walk, or pretty much anywhere. I have learned that ideas are everywhere if you just allow yourself to see them.

How to Build Your Web Presence as a Photographer

Years ago, simply having a good website was enough for a photographer. Updating your site once every year was okay, and it basically existed as a digital version of your print portfolio. It was not the primary way that potential clients evaluated you. Today, it’s a vastly different landscape.

The Best iPhone Camera Apps of 2024

Just as there is hardly a one-size-fits-all best DSLR or best mirrorless camera for any given user, there is certainly not any single best application for everyone. Users’ needs and preferences vary wildly, especially considering the extensive capabilities of today’s iPhones.

How to Mint an NFT: The Photographer’s Guide

The NFT craze from earlier this year isn’t going away -- but perhaps has become even more mainstream in the last three months. It’s hard to name a celebrity, artist, or athlete who hasn’t cashed in on the explosive popularity of NFTs.

Watch a DJI FPV Drone Get Struck by a Flying Chunk of Lava

Photographer and filmmaker Daniel Haussmann recently joined the crowds enjoying the incredible volcanic eruption in Iceland and captured it using a mix of his DJI FPV, Mavic 2 Pro, and Mavic Air 2. During one sequence, his FPV drone is struck by a flying piece of lava, sending it tumbling through the air.

BenQ PD3420Q Monitor Review: Ultrawide, Ultra-Accurate

One of the most important items a photographer can have is a top-notch display on which to edit their images (or video). The BenQ PD3420Q is the company's latest ultra-wide, and it promises a huge amount of screen real-estate for an affordable price: a multitasker's dream.

AI ‘Deep Nostalgia’ Images Have Deep Limitations

News outlets and social media accounts have been overrun with old photos that have been animated with MyHeritage’s “Deep Nostalgia” feature, an AI-based deep learning algorithm licensed from Israeli-based D-ID.

Photographer Paints Pastels with Her Camera

Teresa Freitas is a photographer, although her photographs look more like airy pastel paintings. Her imagery is not just art for art's sake, but she makes a living as a professional photographer working with brands like Adobe, American Express, Chloé, Club Med, DKNY, Dior, Fujifilm, HP, Huawei, Issey Miyake, Montblanc, Netflix, Olympus, Pantone, Polaroid, and more.

Drone Captures Flock of Geese From Rare Overhead Angle

While incredible sweeping overhead shots of migrating birds is a must-have for wildlife documentaries on Discovery or Netflix, it's rare to be able to capture those angles otherwise. Photographer Mark Zakurikan managed to do so with a drone and the footage is beautiful.

7 Composition Techniques Seen in The Queen’s Gambit

Now and then, it just so happens that I find a show or movie that visually amazes me. I was blown away by the colors of Grand Hotel Budapest and by the cinematography of Birdman. The hit Netflix series The Queen's Gambit is one of those surprises that I have discovered recently.

My Unnatural Interest in Cracks

I can’t remember the first crack I photographed. But I remember the huge crack in the plaster on the outside of my apartment building in San Rafael after college.

My Journey in Photographing Nudes

This photo is Untitled (1977) by photographer Jerry Uelsmann -- it was my key inspiration. It took one curvy shaded line to make the rock alive and sexy. This was on the wall in my living room when I was 14 and I looked at it for countless hours.