Search Results for: pete souza

The White House is Shooting with a Sony a7R II Now

Guess who's shooting with a Sony a7r II camera now? Chief Official White House photographer Pete Souza.

The latest photo posted to the official White House Flickr photostream shows that Souza used the highly-regarded Sony mirrorless camera to photograph President Obama talking to Cuba President Raúl Castro in the Oval Office in mid-September.

Breaking: White House Press Secretary Jay Carney Resigns

Jay Carney, the White House Press Secretary who has taken much of the heat for the Obama Administration's less-than-open policies that have kept photographers out of major events, announced his resignation today during a press conference.

White House Upsets Press Photogs Again, Locks Them Out of Dalai Lama Meeting

The Obama Administration is yet again making headlines thanks to its 'closed-door' policy when it comes to anyone other than official White House photographer Pete Souza getting time to photograph the President.

This time the controversy revolves around President Obama's meeting with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, a meeting with far-reaching political implications that everyone but Mr. Souza was yet again shut out of.

The Essentials Of The Affordable Care Act For Freelance Photographers

Let's not kid ourselves, when it comes to health insurance, freelance photographers are in an unfortunate situation. Despite working long hours like everyone else and managing their own business, freelance photographers don't get the same group rates that regular employees do. There is no question that buying insurance as an individual is more expensive.

Hear What It’s Like to Serve as an Official White House Photographer

As a followup to our post earlier today about former White House photographer Eric Draper's work, here's an interesting and relevant 17-minute-long story that aired on NPR in January of this year. It's an interview with former presidential photographers Eric Draper and Robert McNeely, who photographed the presidencies of George W. Bush and Bill Clinton (respectively).

Iranian President’s Photographer Defects During Assignment in New York City

Official presidential photographers lead exciting lives. President Obama's photographer Pete Souza attends secret meetings and captures iconic photos. Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili's personal photographer was arrested last year after being accused of being a spy for Russia. Now Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's photographer is the latest to do something noteworthy: he defected to the United States.

Hillary Clinton Gets ‘Shopped Out of Iconic War Room Photo by Newspaper

Pete Souza's iconic photo of Obama and his national security team in the Situation Room has become extremely well known in the span of a week, so it's unlikely that any reputable media outlet would dare alter the photo in any way -- but that's exactly what one newspaper did. Orthodox Hasidic newspaper Der Tzitung has a policy of never publishing photographs of women, and decided to publish Obama's situation room photograph with Hillary Clinton and counterterrorism director Audrey Tomason Photoshopped out of the frame.

$57K in 57Hrs: Why I’m Focusing on Public Portraits Over Commercial Work

Commercial photography seems so glamorous and it certainly can be. But I’ve found that a few things were really bothering me over the last several years. Don’t get me wrong: I’m always crazy honored when any client anywhere chooses to hire me to photograph something for them. I realize that a client has hundreds if not thousands of choices when it comes to choosing a photographer. So I’m not bitter, I’m thankful. Always.