January 2013

Fujifilm X100s Has Its Photo and Specs Leaked, Looks Identical to the X100

Earlier today, we shared a couple of leaked photographs of the soon-to-arrive Fujifilm X20, which replaces the X10 but looks virtually identical in appearance (except for the fact that it comes in silver in addition to black).

Not to be outdone, the X100s has gotten itself leaked as well. Photos and specs for that camera have emerged, and reveal that, like the X20, the camera is nearly identical in form to its predecessor.

Adorable Baby Photos from a Fairy Tale-Themed Shoot

Photographer Wendi Riggens has been receiving a good deal of attention in social media channels for her recent photo shoot of a 9-month-old girl, Miss Maddie. It was a fairy tale-themed shoot, with Maddie wearing the outfits of characters from famous Disney movies, including Cinderella, Alice, Wendy, and Snow White. The series is titled, "Once Upon a Time."

Rumor: Shutterfly Aquiring Photo Sharing and Backup Company ThisLife

Over the last year, almost every time we've heard the word "acquisition" it's been preceded by the word, or rather company, Shutterfly. That's because Shutterfly has been very busy buying up companies and galleries and, fortunately for users, putting them to work in real ways.

It was less than two weeks ago that the new Shutterfly Mobile app was announced, a result of its Penguin Digital acquisition. And now, in time to steal a little bit of thunder from all of the CES rumors, sources claim that the photo storage and sharing site is acquiring yet another start-up.

First Leaked Photos of the Fujifilm X20

Yesterday we wrote that multiple sources were confirming that Fujifilm will be launching an X10 successor called the X20 at CES 2013 next week. Now, less than 24 hours later, we now know what it looks like.

One Second of Video Every Day in 2012

We've been seeing more and more of this concept lately, but this one is still nicely done: Springfield, Missouri-based photographer Kent Frost created this 6.5-minute recap of his life in 2012 using one second of footage recorded each day. It's titled, "Just a Second."

Paper-Kit Helps You Turn Portrait Photos Into 3D Paper Heads

If you're looking for a fun and cheap gag gift that's somewhat photography related, check out Paper-Kit. It's a simple, and easy-to-use web app that lets you turn your portrait photos (probably better described as mug shots) into nifty 3D heads that you print, cut, and assemble yourself.

Cameraman Captures What It’s Like to Be Targeted as Food by a Polar Bear

If you ever find yourself wondering what it's like to be hunted by a hungry polar bear, just ask filmmaker Gordon Buchanan. While shooting wildlife imagery in Svalbard, Norway for a BBC series titled The Polar Bear Family and Me, Buchanan was approached by a giant 1,000lb, 8-foot-tall polar bear. Luckily for Buchanan, he was in a tiny Plexiglas enclosure. Luckily for the BBC, Buchanan was able to capture the 45-minute ordeal on film.

Recipe for a Photograph: Reflected Ant on Black

One of my favorite recent projects was a deceptively simple image of an ant on black. Black is easy enough to arrange for the upper portions of a photo. Just make sure foreground lighting is powerful enough to overwhelm the ambient light. Black all around is a challenge, however.

Samsung Announces 3D-Capable NX300 and World’s First One-Lens 3D System

CES 2013 is just around the corner, and along with it about a gagillion (official number) announcements, but the first major announcement comes 5 days early courtesy of Samsung. The South Korean tech company has officially announced the NX300 -- a 3D capable successor to the NX210 -- alongside a 3D lens that Samsung is calling the "world's first one-lens 3D system."

Marksta: An App for Adding Watermarks to Photos On Your Smartphone

Photojournalist John D. McHugh was sick of having his photos stolen and infringed upon the moment he posted them online. And even though he can, of course, put watermarks on his photos in Photoshop, he found himself wondering if maybe he couldn't come up with a better way. Enter Marksta, an app that allows you to watermark photos right on your iPhone before posting them to Facebook, Instagram, and other places where they may be easily stolen.

Tommy Edison: Instagrammer, Film Critic, and Blind Since Birth

Tommy Edison is an incredible person. Born blind, he has managed to lead a successful, fulfilling life as a film critic, receiving national attention for his spot on reviews of movies like "Water for Elephants." But in addition to successfully reviewing a genre most would consider to be in the domain of the sighted, Mr. Edison is also a prolific Instagram user.

Motion Image Photography: Pulling Stills from Super-High-Res Video

Motion image photography is a new name for an old concept: pulling stills from video. In fact, famed headshot photographer Peter Hurley took a stab at it last year, pinning the 5K Red Epic against his Hasselblad to see if he could recreate his work in video. The issue there, even ignoring price, was that the sheer size of the Red Epic makes it far too bulky for anything but studio work.

Creative Conceptual iPhone Photographs by Instagram Shooter Brock Davis

If you'd like to receive a regular injection of photographic inspiration, you should consider following along with photographer Brock Davis' Instagram feed. The Minneapolis, Minnesota-based artist regularly shoots conceptual photos with his iPhone that have the same creative touch as photographs Davis shoots for major commissions.

Toshiba Unveils New CF Cards, Hopes to Capture Third of the Market by 2015

A week ago we shared some reports that Toshiba was developing a re-focusable smartphone camera, but it looks like its sights are set on bigger fish than just Lytro's market. While the photo world was focusing on the tiny re-focusing camera, Toshiba officially announced a new line of high performance CF cards that should blow the competition away and, the company hopes, secure one third of the CF market by 2015.

The new cards -- dubbed the Exceria Pro series -- are set to launch in Spring of this year and bring with them read and write speeds very near the theoretical 167MB/second max provided by the CF's UDMA 7 interface.

Mugshot Websites Sued for Violating People’s Right to Publicity

Several mugshot websites -- including Just Mugshots, Busted! Mugshots, Mugshots Online, and MugRemove -- are ringing in the new year with a massive class action law suit. According to NPR, hundreds of people who have been exonerated of all charges and had their records sealed are suing the websites for not only keeping their mugshots up and using them in banner ads, but refusing to take them down and "scrub" them off the Internet unless the victims pay a hefty fee.

Polaroid to Open “Fotobars” for Printing and Editing Smartphone Photos

Given the digital age, you'd think that companies would shy away from brick-and-mortar stores. But the lo-fi movement has been good to the instant photography giant, and so in addition to releasing a mirrorless camera later this year, Polaroid has decided to open up a chain of retail stores called "Fotobars." The hope is that people will come to these stores and print the photos that have been lost somewhere in the zeros and ones of their digital devices.

Speed Graphic 4×5 Converted Into a Fuji X Mirrorless Camera

Photographer Bryce Hoeper wants to become the Dr. Frankenstein of the camera world. Back in 2011, his experiments with mounting a 102-year-old lens to a Canon DSLR were widely shared across the Web. About a month ago, he created another cam-monster that combines old and new: he combined an old Speed Graphic 4x5 large format camera with a modern Fujifilm X-Pro1 mirrorless camera.

Paparazzo Struck and Killed While Trying to Photograph Justin Bieber’s Ferrari

Back in July, after witnessing what essentially amounted to a high-speed car chase down the 101 between paparazzi and Justin Bieber, city councilman Dennis Zine predicted that these practices were "a tragedy waiting to happen." In an attempt to prevent similar incidents in the future, one of the photogs involved was even taken to court, charged under a new anti-paparazzi law.