
Abstract Food Photos

Creatively Simple Abstract Photos Made with Food

When asked to present food in a natural yet humorous manner, photographer Dwight Eschliman and his team brought the concept to life through a series of well-lit, colorful, and styled photos for the supermarket chain Lidl.

Three Ingredients of a Fashion Photo

What are the ingredients of a fashion photograph? This question may be rarely asked, yet it's an important one to think about. After all, is fashion photography really about the technicalities, or is it about content?

The 75, 85, 100 Rule of Shooting: How to Be a Happier Photographer

We have all heard that “real photographers get it right in camera.” Whether it is attached to some asinine argument about shooting RAW vs JPEG or a preachy lecture about the pitfalls of using anything but manual mode, there can be a lot of pressure to get perfect images right out of the camera. There can also be an apathetic tendency to just “fix it in post”. Both extremes have their downfalls and I have found that a balanced approach is essential for personal development and happiness.

Anime Conventions: A Great Place to Build Confidence as a Photographer

Perhaps you’ve been through this scenario. You see an interesting subject doing something truly unique, you hesitate and sometimes miss the shot altogether. When you do gather enough courage, your heart races, your palms get sweaty, and a quiver can be heard in your voice as you nervously ask if you can take a person’s picture. Sounds familiar? It can be discouraging if you miss the opportunity and the shot.

Negative Space: How to Add Something with Nothing

Negative space is a powerful concept in art and photography that allows you to say a lot with very little. In this article, we will look at the basics of negative space and how you can use it as a tool for creative and powerful photo compositions.

You Are Still a Photographer, Even If No One Likes Your Images

I think we have all been there. After the culling, editing, and sweating over every detail we post our latest masterpiece only to be greeted by three likes. One is from our mother, the other two from our friends that know nothing about photography. It is demoralizing.