
A Photographer’s Kit for Getting Out of a Creative Rut

For photographers, creativity is the difference between a nice photo and a NICE photo. But what happens if you’re not feeling very creative? That’s when I like to dive into what I call my “photographer’s creative kit,” a bunch of different things to try.

How to Learn from Photography Books: 5 Tips to Improve Your Work

I recently realized I have a problem: I buy too many books, especially photography books. Not those cheap kindle ones but those beautiful printed and expensive books, which ended up decorating my wall, or coffee table, and, in my case, possibly many coffee tables.

Observation and Investigation for Documentary Photography

If the intention behind a photograph is to produce something photographic, weighted by aesthetic merit, or artistic expression, then it is your observation via the camera that you are most likely going to share in that image.

Photography Club Basics: Why You Should Join a Camera Club

If you want to become a better photographer, learn more, get and stay inspired, meet others who share your passion, and make new friends, well, nothing beats a camera club (also known as a photography club). Joining a club might even help lead you to a new career. I know it did for me and many other photographers.

Taiwan: A Photographer’s Paradise?

The truth is that when you hear about Taiwan, you probably think of semiconductors, bubble tea, political struggles, and that "Made in Taiwan" sticker on one of your household electronics. Let's forget about all of that and allow me to redefine Taiwan for you and possibly make you add it to your bucket list of destinations.

No Photography is Wasteful If It’s Part of the Growing Process

Failing to succeed doesn't mean failing to progress. I think for many of us the last few pandemic years have spotlighted this sentiment, especially as when it comes to photography “success” is already such a broad and nebulous concept.


How Photography Helped Me Overcome Grief

Cancer took my mother away. I was in a downward spiral until a chance encounter with nature set me on my path to recovery. I began photography as a means of prolonging the serenity I felt when surrounded by nature.

The Decisive Moment: What Henri Cartier-Bresson Actually Meant

The photographic master Henri Cartier-Bresson made some key observations about photography, translated as “the decisive moment” which is often (incorrectly) characterized as: "capturing an event that is ephemeral and spontaneous, where the image represents the essence of the event itself."

Seeing Versus Shooting as a Photographer

The photographer Dorothea Lange once famously said “A camera is a device that teaches you to see without a camera.” I always loved this quotation. Once you get good at shooting, you start to see the world like a photographer — you notice things, you notice light, you look slower, you take pictures in your mind. The camera saves them, but even without one, you see differently.

Get the Cliché Out of the Way When Doing Photography

I drove 5,200 miles around the country after my junior year in college. And I brought 20 rolls of film — 720 images in all — which was a lot in 1984. I felt like a pro, traveling with a “brick” of Tri-X. When you shoot film you try hard not to waste frames; it’s a natural force function that filters out some of the more idiotic shots you might take.

Tires, David Zimmerman

‘Pure’ Landscape Photography Versus Including the Human Element

One of the reasons we pursue landscape photography is to connect with nature. Many photographers cite calmness, a sense of peace, and inspiration when they are surrounded by stunning scenery. I am one of them. Unfortunately, it is increasingly common that the encounter is modified by some human-made element.

Death Valley National Park Landscape Photography

How to Leverage a Clear, Cloudless Sky in Your Landscape Photos

If the weather forecast shows clear skies and bright sunlight, it doesn't mean photographers should abandon their plans for a landscape shoot. Photographer Michael Shainblum has shared tips on how he leverages these weather conditions to come home with a successful set of photos.