
Researcher Says Giant Crabs Keep Stealing and Destroying Her Cameras

A researcher on Christmas Island—an Australian Territory in the Indian Ocean—is losing thousands of dollars worth of camera gear to theft and vandalism. But it's not humans that are to blame, her gear is being stolen and destroyed by the aptly named 'Robber Crab,' the world's largest arthropod.

London Fashion Week Photogs Tricked by Grandma in Outrageous Outfit

YouTubers Zac and Jay pulled a prank on London Fashion Week photographers earlier this month. In an attempt to highlighting how ridiculous some modern "fashion" looks to the typical viewer, they dressed up a grandma in a mishmash of random props and clothing... and somehow got her featured on

Dad Bod: Recreating Modern Senior Pictures with Dads as ‘Models’

One of the greatest joys in life as a father is the ability to embarrass our kids. Nothing makes us happier than throwing out some completely irrelevant and perfectly timed dad joke. Or maybe it’s the joys of embarrassing our teenage daughter while she's hanging out with her friends—that's the best time to bust a dance move, even if it’s in line at Chik-Fil-A.

Rich Kids are Paying Thousands to Have Their Photos Featured on this Site

Back in 2008, an app called I Am Rich appeared on the iOS app store for $1,000. The now-infamous app did absolutely nothing—it was just a status symbol that proved you had money to burn. Now, a website and Instagram account called Golden Price Tag is following in I Am Rich's footsteps, and rich kids are paying $1,000 and up for the "privilege" of having their photos featured.

Social Media Influencer Woes

I had read this story about a social media influencer who posted professional photos of her accident on Instagram along with what appeared to be a product placement. I thought it unbelievable until... it happened to me.

The Silliest Online Reviews of Beautiful Landscape Photo Spots

Our lives are ruled by ratings. We 21st-century humans seem to spend an inordinate amount of our time attaching star ratings to stuff for the benefit of complete strangers. We rate comments, we rate photographs, we rate articles, we rate products and we rate places.

8 Ideas for Funny Portrait Photos

If you're looking for a wacky idea for portrait photos, check out this 4.5-minute video by COOPH. It's a collection of 8 wacky things you can do with things that you can mostly find around a home.

This Bride Doesn’t Have Girlfriends, So She Did a Photo Shoot with Bros

24-year-old Rebeca Brantes of Brazil is a computer engineering student who's one of just 4 women in her class of 60 students. Leaving up to her recent wedding, Brantes realized that she didn't have any girlfriends from school for a bridal photo shoot, so she decided to invite her best guy friends for an unusual photo series.

Dad Poses for Hilarious Maternity Shoot Parody, Nails It

This photo shoot is a year old, but we are so happy we stumbled across it today. After shooting too many maternity shoots in a row, photographer Martyn Wilkes decided to break the monotony with a bit of fun. He asked his friend Francisco Pérez to pose for his own "maternity" shoot.

How to Develop Film with Beer

Picture it: it's Saint Patrick's Day, you've run out of Black & White film developer, all the stores are closed down... the only thing you can find is beer. Nothing worse could happen, but don't worry! We have the solution to develop your roll of film.

These Are Photos from an Official Police Department Instagram Account

Need a laugh? Check out the official Instagram account of the Reykjavík metropolitan police (Reykjavík is the largest and capital city of Iceland). It's a strangely humorous account that's filled with silly snapshots showing that the officers know how to have a good time while busting criminals and keeping their city streets safe.

Photoshop Artist Creates Wacky Animal Hybrids that are Mostly Cute and Sometimes Terrifying

Photoshop artist and photographer Sarah DeRemer likes animals, but she doesn't like them just the way they are. Sure, a seal is cute... and a pug is cute... but why settle on that when your Photoshop skills will let you create what she has dubbed a 'Speal'?

DeRemer, for her part, never settles. And so, for her series of Hybrid Animals, she mixes together species that from opposite sides of the animal kingdom to create sometimes strange, sometimes cuddly, and sometimes terrifying (I'm looking at you... Shider) animals of her very own.