
You Be You, I’ll Be Me: A Note to Photographers on Pricing

If you are a member of any photography groups, I can guarantee you've seen the issue of pricing come up often. One of the favorite activities of some photographers seems to be analyzing/criticizing how others run their businesses. It's wonderful to be able to ask for advice in these groups, but unsolicited criticism, or random rants on how everyone else is doing it all wrong and you're doing it right, are never okay.

What Should You Charge for Your Pro Photography?

Figuring out how much to charge clients is a struggle shared by many photographers, particularly if you're trying live off the fruits of your craft. In this 30-minute episode of their Picture This Podcast, photographers Tony and Chelsea Northrup spend half an hour discussing this topic and sharing advice.

Beware 500px’s (Very) ‘Flexible Pricing’

Are you a freelance photographer like myself? Have you already put up your masterpiece on 500px? Maybe you’re trying to share your photos and sell them at the same time in case some stranger admires your work? If you’ve answered YES to all these questions, I'd like to share the terrible experience I had with 500px.

Dear Minted, About Your $100 In-Home Photo Shoots…

Dear Minted,

I’ve been photographing families for seven years. Let me tell you; it’s been a long slog. I’ve learned so many things through the years that make my work consistent and creates happy clients, I’ve also learned that I work in a community of other independent photographers and we have also come to help, rely on and yes, compete with one another and still be friends at the end of the day.

How to Reply When Clients Say You’re Too Expensive

No matter what industry you are in, if you’re selling your services you will inevitably come up against clients who balk at your prices. This 9-minute video from The Futur is a role-play of that very situation and will teach you some ways to respond and close the deal without selling yourself short.

Amazon Honoring a $500 Pricing Error on a $2,200 Camera Lens

When major pricing mistakes are made by online retailers, purchasers usually receive order cancellation notices and apology emails shortly afterward, informing them that the absurdly low price was due to a glitch. But it seems like Amazon is choosing to honor a $500 pricing mistake.

Amazon Killing Off its $60/Year Plan for Unlimited Storage

Amazon is tightening its belt when it comes to its cloud data storage services. The company has just announced that its $60 a year plan for unlimited data storage is being abruptly discontinued. For that same rate, you'll now only be able to store 1TB of data.

How Much Do Oliphant Backdrops Cost? Answer: Over $1,000

Oliphant Backdrops are iconic backdrops used in portrait photography. You've probably seen these backdrops in photos by Annie Leibovitz and many other famous photographers. Art always comes with a price and rightfully so, and the biggest question many people ask is how much the backdrops cost.

Canon Canada Hikes Lens Prices 20% On Almost Everything

Canadian Canon users woke up yesterday to some unfortunate news. The gear price hike confirmed by Canon at the beginning of March has taken effect, and the price of almost every Canon lens in the Canon Canada store has increased by 20%.

This Photographer’s Minimum Price is Zero*

Natalie Brasington is a New York-based advertising and entertainment photographer who shoots for a variety of clients, including Comedy Central, Pantene, DirecTV, Details and Rolling Stone. She recently spoke about pricing at a round table discussion put on by PhotoShelter, and we were intrigued by her approach and outlook.

Is Great Photography Worth Less Than a Small Coffee?

Yesterday evening, I received a troubling email from a student athlete at a Western-Canadian University, who we’re going to call Frank for the purposes of this story. (Frank is obviously not his real name, but I like the name Frank for this purpose).

How Much Should Photographers Charge In 2016?

I write an annual article to help photographers with one of the toughest parts of their job: pricing their work. In the 2016 version, I’m going to add some new elements such as a little advice for photography buyers. Another section I’m most excited about is the question and answer portion at the end. Each year I receive many questions about photography rates in the comments. This year, I address some of the common and interesting follow-up questions I have received over the past few years.

Ball Drop Test Shows the Strength of Sigma’s Ceramic Lens Filters

Back in December 2015, Sigma announced the world's first protective lens filters made of ceramic -- filters that it claims are 10x stronger than traditional filters and 3x stronger than chemically strengthened filters.

Sigma has just published pricing and availability info for the new filters, as well as the above video, which demonstrates the filter's strength through a ball drop shatter test.

Fujifilm Announces Big Worldwide Price Hike on Film

Kodak's film business may finally turn a profit this year thanks to support from Hollywood, but the photographic film industry is still seeing declines in demand.

That's the latest word from Fujifilm, which today just announced a major worldwide price increase for its film lines.

Photographer Accuses B&H of ‘Bait and Switch’ After $7,100 Mistake

Camera gear retailers almost always have legal disclaimers that protect them from major pricing mistakes -- if a $10,000 item is accidentally priced at $10, the order can be cancelled and there's no obligation to honor the order and take a huge financial hit.

But, as one photographer just found out, pricing errors can sometimes hurt quite a bit. He's accusing photo megastore B&H of a "bait and switch" move after a $7,100 mistake involving a Hasselblad camera kit.

How I Deal with Price Haggling as a Photographer

People are always on the lookout for bargains. Everyone wants to spend as little money as possible while getting as much as possible in return. After all, the more money you save, the more you can do with the same budget. There’s nothing wrong with this at first glance. However, in practice things often get out of hand when people start to get motivated by greed and when there’s a lack of trust.

The Unspoken Reason Why Wedding Photography is So Expensive

Here's a common complaint: "Why is wedding photography so expensive?"

One of the most common complaints about wedding photography is that it’s too expensive. I’ve seen this sentiment uttered from all corners of the Web. I’ve also seen just as many photographers jump at the opportunity to defend their prices by writing articles that only an accountant could appreciate.