
You Are Still a Photographer, Even If No One Likes Your Images

I think we have all been there. After the culling, editing, and sweating over every detail we post our latest masterpiece only to be greeted by three likes. One is from our mother, the other two from our friends that know nothing about photography. It is demoralizing.

Passion vs Profession: Should I Become a Professional Photographer?

Professional photographer and YouTuber Sean Tucker recently released a video that covers one of the most common (and tricky) questions that enthusiast photographers ask: "should I go pro?" In other words: should I take this thing that I'm passionate about, and turn it into my profession?

New York Rhapsody: A Cinematic Love Letter to the Creative Heartbeat of NYC

Adorama has just released a stunning cinematic tribute to the city of New York that could not come at a more poignant moment. At a time when the creative flame at the core of the city has been snuffed out by a small piece of genetic code, New York Rhapsody stands as a testament to the fire that is waiting to come roaring back.

When a NYC Fashion Photographer Becomes a Whiskey Maker

Michael Myers spent years as a fashion and beauty photographer in New York City. Then 9/11 happened, and the event was so life-altering that Myers left NYC and the photo industry. He then decided to blend his two passions: photography and whiskey.

How to Find Your Photographic Style

You have found your style when you can’t do anything else. It’s your default, your normal, your nature. Style comes when imitation and influence perish. It's something that becomes one... you, yours. Defining your style or finding your style is a life’s journey.

The Camera Comes Second

I hated every single one of my photos. My personal hero, Jimmy Chin, would have too if he could have seen them at the time.

How I Got Better at Photography

Two years ago, I splurged some money and bought a camera because I'd always wanted to try to take pictures of the stars. The left photo above was the only decent picture out of 700 taken on my first clueless attempt. The right photo was taken about 2 weeks ago. Don't let your dreams be dreams.

Ex-NFL Player Now a 6’5″, 300-Pound Sports Photographer

Walter Jones is a former NFL player for the Seattle Seahawks who was voted into the Hall of Fame in 2014, his first year of eligibility. After years of dominating other athletes, Jones now has a new passion: documenting them: he's now one of the largest sports photographers you'll ever see on a sideline.

For the Love of Film

Just another article about film photography? Well yes, but bear with me and hopefully you’ll see why film really does still have a place in my heart and might have a place in yours too... even when digital is such excellent quality and so convenient.

Don’t Follow Your Passion

"Follow your passion" is a piece of life advice that's commonly thrown around. It's heard in the photography industry, and especially in graduation commencement speeches. But here's a 5-minute video in which well-known TV host Mike Rowe argues for the opposite: why you (maybe) shouldn't follow your passion.

A Photographer Explains His Passion for Large Format Photography

Columbus, Ohio-based photographer Mat Marrash has been working in large format photography for the past six years -- a span longer than pretty much any other hobby that's emerged in his life. He has also spent a lot of time thinking about why photography has had such a big impact on him. He shares those musings with us in this 2.5-minute video by Rooted Content.

Using Photos to Document the Plight of Vultures, the ‘Antiheroes of Our Ecosystems’

If you want to see a photojournalist who cares deeply about the subject they're covering, watch this 3-minute National Geographic video. In it, photographer Charlie Hamilton James discusses his photos of vultures -- one of the fastest declining families of birds in history, and what James calls "the world's forgotten environmental disaster."

James photographed vultures in South Africa from all kinds of perspectives, from placing cameras inside carcasses to shooting the remains of vultures -- one of the most trafficked animals in the world -- being sold in street markets.

This ‘Tales by Light’ Trailer is 2 Minutes of Pure Photo Passion

Want an incredible dose of photographic inspiration? Check out this newly-released 2-minute trailer for the new TV series Tales by Light, a new TV series that follows 5 top photographers as they take their cameras to the ends of the Earth -- photographers who have an unquenchable desire to capture and share the wonders of this world with the rest of us.

How “Doing What You Love” Can Be A Realistic Career Option

Here's a quote from a recent article I read titled "'Do What You Love' Is Horrible Advice": “It’s easy to confuse a hobby or interest for a profound passion that will result in career and business fulfillment. The reality is, that type of preexisting passion is rarely valuable.”


Your Perfect Day: An Inspirational Message on Work/Life Balance for Photographers

What is your perfect day? And when was the last time you had your perfect day? If you're like most photographers the answer to the first question may come out pretty easily (or not...), but the answer to the second...

That was the question that wedding photographer Jerry Ghionis once asked a fellow photographer, and when she heard the second part, it left her in tears. She couldn't remember her last perfect day, because she was so busy working and working and working at her career that she had forgotten to live the lifestyle she was hoping photography would offer.

Photographer and Lab Owner Discusses the Art of Film Photography and Printing

Over the years, Billy Mork has been a photographer, an art director and even a practicing architect, but he ultimately ended up back where his passion lies: in black and white film photography. This inspirational short film -- put together by broadcast media student Duong Thai Anh for a class at LASALLE College of the Arts in Singapore -- tries to capture a bit of that passion and pass it along to you.