
NY Times Selects Meaghan Looram as Its New Director of Photography

Earlier this year, the New York Times began searching for a new Director of Photography to replace Michele McNally, who announced her retirement in February after 14 years in that role. After considering both external and internal candidates, the Times has selected Meaghan Looram, who served as one of McNally's top deputies for 8 years.

The U.S. Supreme Court is Looking for a Photographer

Missed the chance to be "the next Ansel Adams" with the National Park Service? There's now another interesting job opening for photographers looking to shoot in a government position: the Supreme Court of the United States is currently looking for a photographer.

Don’t Follow Your Passion

"Follow your passion" is a piece of life advice that's commonly thrown around. It's heard in the photography industry, and especially in graduation commencement speeches. But here's a 5-minute video in which well-known TV host Mike Rowe argues for the opposite: why you (maybe) shouldn't follow your passion.

NPR Interviews the National Park Service on Its ‘Next Ansel Adams’ Search

We reported last December that the National Park Service photography program had posted a new job listing for a full-time photographer to document the country's natural landscapes -- the same position once held by legendary photographer Ansel Adams.

With the application window now closed, Rich O'Connor of the Park Service was just interviewed on NPR's All Things Considered about the position. You can listen to the 4.5-minute interview above.

‘Ansel Adams’ Job Opening in US Govt Pays ~$100,000 Per Year

In 1941, legendary photographer Ansel Adams began working for the US Department of the Interior to shoot large format photos of National Parks and other notable locations out in the great outdoors.

Guess what? The same job opening has appeared again: the National Parks Service is looking to hire a black-and-white large format photographer, and the salary is up to $100,000 per year.

Open Letter to Client Regarding the ‘Job Killer’ Quoted Rate

Hello Potential Client,

Regarding your last email in which you said:

“... if they (your client) saw the $700/ $1400 a day fee for the photographer they would dismiss the project immediately... (most of my client’s people make between $25 and $45 an hour)... Showing $100/hr was also a job-killer as you can imagine”.

Well sure thing. I see where you’re coming from... Let’s rewrite the quote to show the actual number of hours I will work on this job, instead of only those spent with my face in a camera. Maybe that will help.

Spectacular Time-Lapse Born Out of 13,000 Miles and 10,000 Photos

The "quit your day job and go on the adventure you've always dreamed of" piece of advice is given so often as to almost be cliché. And yet, many of us are still blown away when someone actually finds the guts to do just that.

And, well, if they capture a time-lapse so gorgeous it gets National Geographic's attention in the process, all the better for us photography blog types.

Photogs Probably Won’t be Replaced by Robots Anytime Soon, Study Finds

There are many reasons why "photographer" and "photojournalist" ranked so low on last year's "best and worst jobs" list, but according to a paper released by The Oxford Martin Programme on the Impacts of Future Technology at Oxford University, the threat of computerization isn't one of them.

Taking Pictures on an Offshore Oil Rig Is Serious Business

Taking pictures on an offshore oil rig is serious business. For starters, due to the risk of flammable gas coming up the oil well, normal electronics are banned outside the living quarters. Smartphones are strictly forbidden and regular cameras require "hot work permits" be opened prior to use.

Photography Jobs Grow on Trees

Every year I meet with lots of students, assistants, young photographers, and photography educators and discuss the business of photography. Over the years I have complied a list of the biggest mistakes that most young photographers make when trying to become full-time money-making commercial photographers. I want to share those with you in the hope that people stop making the same mistakes.

Lady Gaga Hard at Work for Polaroid

Lady Gaga's most recent music video for "Telephone", featuring Beyonce, is like most modern music videos: rife with product placement. But among the most prominent products was Gaga's own employer, Polaroid, which gets a 10-second spot.