
AI Tracking Camera Mistakes Referee’s Bald Head for a Soccer Ball

AI cameras have come a long way when it comes to object recognition and tracking, but sometimes the "intelligence" can fail in humorous ways. At a recent professional soccer match in Scotland, the AI broadcast camera tasked with tracking the soccer ball kept getting distracted by the sideline referee's bald head.

Parody Video Pokes Fun at the Tragically Artistic ‘High School Photographer’

If you need a bit of comic relief on Monday evening, this short parody by YouTuber MasterChiefin1 has you covered. It's an ode to "the high school photographer," that one person who "thought they were put on this Earth to take photos and think deeply." Given our audience, there's a good chance a few of us were this person.

The Photo That Got Me Into Brown University

Around the time I was applying to college in 1980, Time magazine ran a short piece about the college application process (coincidentally, at Brown); in it, they described an applicant who had soaked her application in water, then let it dry completely, so it got warped.

This Free Photoshop Add-On Will Read You Jokes and Puns While You Work

Retoucher Pratik Naik and his co-workers at Infinite Tools have released a fun (and free) little side-project that you might want to get in on. It's called the "Infinite Jokes Panel" and it's a Photoshop add-on that will read you jokes, puns, and condescending statements about your photo editing abilities while you work.

Wildlife Camera Trap Captures Man Striking a Pose

Conservation photographer and wildlife tracker Jeff Wirth was reviewing the photos on a camera trap he had set up when he was surprised with this unexpected shot: an unknown man who had spotted the camera and decided to strike a pose.

YouTuber Debunks Viral Photography ‘Hacks’ She Found Online

Professional photographer and YouTube Jessica Kobeissi recently decided to take on some of the viral "DIY photography hacks" that she's seen online, and see if they work as expected... or at all. As you might imagine, for the most part, the answer is "not really." But it makes fur a fun video actually investigating these hacks.

How to Clean Your Camera Lenses (and How NOT to)

The comic (or is it sadistic...) minds over at DPReview TV have put together a lens cleaning guide that somehow manages to be three things at once: informative, comical, and extremely painful to watch.

Photographer Turns Public Domain Photos Into Funny Animations

Like many others, Swiss photographer and director Nicola Tröhler has had all of his jobs cancelled due to COVID-19. So, since he can't go out and take any photos, he decided to tap the public domain libraries in Switzerland and the US and work on his animation skills instead.

Isolated Photographer Shoots LEGO Wedding to Stay Creative

Photographers are finding all kinds of ways to keep their skills sharp while on lockdown during the coronavirus pandemic. For UK-based wedding photographer Chris Wallace of Carpe Diem Photography, that meant setting up and shooting a wedding at home... with LEGO.

Fro Knows Nothing: A Spot-On Parody of ‘Fro Knows Photo’

In a (mostly) loving parody created for April Fools' Day, photographer Vanessa Joy has put together a hilarious impersonation of Jared Polin—AKA Fro Knows Photo—by creating her own version of a "Photo News Fix" video... complete with fake fro.

YouTubers Share Their Stay-at-Home Workouts for Camera Nerds

YouTuber Gerald Undone has created a lighthearted "stay-at-home workout tutorial" for photographers who are self-isolating, doing their part to help slow the spread novel coronavirus. The video features a bunch of photographers and videographers you'll recognize as it tries to provide a little bit of comic relief ... and help you get swole.