
The Only Person Who’s Naked in These ‘Nude Portraits’ is the Guy Behind the Camera

There's something to be said for thinking outside the box and turning an idea on its head, and that's exactly what photographer Trevor Christensen is doing with his hilarious and surprisingly thought-provoking series, Nude Portraits.

That's because there aren't actually any nude people in his portraits... the only person who's naked during the photo shoot is Christensen himself, who is busy capturing his subjects' reaction to his birthday suit.

Guy Proposes to Five Princesses at Disney World for a Set of Fun, Memorable Photos

Sick of the standard Disney World pics? Blaine Gibson of Austin-based production studio Rooster Teeth sure was... so he did something about it. During his recent trip to the park, he surprised no less than 5 of the Disney Princesses (and one surprise) there by dropping down on one knee and proffering a fake engagement ring from WalMart while one of his friends capture their reaction.

Creative Couple Pose as Indy and Professor Jones for Viral 21st Anniversary Pic

If you're gonna do an anniversary picture, THIS is the way to do it. After hundreds of Redditors last year pointed out his resemblance to Sean Connery -- thanks in large part to his penchant for fedoras and his grizzled look -- 'Hillbilly at Large' and photographer Ken Thomas and his wife decided to capitalize on the look with a fun 21st anniversary photo.

Dressed up as Indy and Professor Jones, the two hopped in Thomas's Ural motorcycle and sidecar and snapped what has to be one of the most creative anniversary pics we've ever seen -- a photo that has since taken off like crazy on both Facebook and Reddit.

DHL Went to Hilarious Lengths to Ship This Tiny Nikon Battery Charger Safely

When we order camera gear, it's expected that it will be packed and handled with care... but this is just absurd.

Uploaded to YouTube by user Ottar Gislason, the ready-made DHL commercial above shows how the shipping company decided to send this camera store a single Nikon MH65 battery charger in its box... that was taped to the bottom of another box... that was very securely strapped down onto its very own wooden palette.

Blast from the Past: The Daily Show Slams Camera Phones as a Useless Combination

In 2004, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart took on a burgeoning technology that they saw as a completely nonsensical mix of two things: the camera phone. As Ed Helms puts it in the "digital watch" segment above, the technology "combines the rapid battery depletion of a high-powered digital camera with the image production capability of a phone."

Humor: The Daily Show Makes Fun of the Intolerance Faced by Google Glass Owners

Here's a little chuckle for your Monday morning. You may have heard the stories of discrimination and sometimes outright violence faced by Google Glass users in some parts of the country.

People who are afraid they're being inconspicuously photographed or videotaped (and they sometimes are) by Glass wearers are at times lashing out against the would-be invaders of their privacy.

Clever Photo Series Imagines the Everyday Life of an Earthbound Astronaut

Say you're a space enthusiast; and say you find yourself bidding on an old Russian high altitude spacesuit; and then, say you win that auction. What would you, as a skilled photographer with a brand new, awesome prop on hand, do with it?

We can't speak for you, but we can show you what photographer Tim Dodd did, and it's just plain fun.

Stephen Colbert Goes After Amazon and Its Ridiculous Photography Patent

Last week, we reported on the news that Amazon had actually patented the age-old practice of photographing things against a white background. This led to much ridicule from the photography community, but one of the big guys just got in on the well-deserved roast, and his name is Stephen Colbert.

Humor: Family Guy’s Peter Griffin Officially Joins Instagram

For the record, we realize that this is only marginally photo related, but we couldn't help ourselves. Because Family Guy protagonist Peter Griffin has officially joined Instagram, and he's already taking on some of the photo clichés that make us cringe.

Funny Vine Compilation Captures 3 Months of Saturday Mornings with a 4-Year-Old

This father is exhausted... in a funny because it's true kind of way. Over the past three months, YouTube user and proud father of two, Bottlerocket, has been recording a 6-second Vine video every Saturday morning with his 4-year-old. Complete with annoyed look (it's put on folks, he loves his daughter), obnoxiously loud music and rowdy little girl, the Vine compilation above is something of an ode to exhausted parents everywhere.

Headshots: Funny Self-Portraits that Show Stuff Hitting the Photographer in the Face

Here's a set of fun and funny self-portraits to get you through the rest of your Wednesday with a smile on your face.

Created by literary translator, editor and grad student Kaija Straumanis, the Headshots series is more frequently referred to these days as "Stuff Being Thrown at My Head" -- a deceptive title since nothing is actually being thrown at Straumanis' head at all.

Hilarious Camera Issues During Live BBC News Broadcast

Alright, we'll be the first to admit that this isn't strictly photography related, but it's a funny camera issue and a great way to start Tuesday off on a light note. The viral BBC News clip above is quickly spreading to all corners of the globe as people giggle their way through what may be one of the funniest transitions in serious news history.

South Park Takes on Photoshop in Season Finale Episode

Editors note: Be advised, the video below contains some strong language that might not be to the liking of all our readers.

There have been a lot of viral attacks on the retouching industry lately -- from these striking ads created by a student to this funny tongue-in-cheek version of another viral anti-retouching video -- but the cherry on top of the Photoshop-hate sundae came in the form of the South Park Season 17 finale.