
Photographer and Fashion Blogger Capture Colorful Quarantine Portraits

San Diego-based photographer Angela Garzon recently teamed up with fashion and art blogger Sarah Grossman to inject a bit of color and creativity into the world during these strange and difficult times. The result is a set of six monochromatic "group" shots captured using only the clothes and props they had at hand.

This Photographer Made Sigma Outfits You Can Wear in Animal Crossing

French Photographer Renaud Coilliot has created a treat for Sigma shooters who want to show their love for the brand in the popular video game Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Inspired by Sigma's cameras and the 2018 short doc Made in Aizu, he created several hats and a jacket that you can wear in the game!

Photographer Turns Public Domain Photos Into Funny Animations

Like many others, Swiss photographer and director Nicola Tröhler has had all of his jobs cancelled due to COVID-19. So, since he can't go out and take any photos, he decided to tap the public domain libraries in Switzerland and the US and work on his animation skills instead.

Life Before GoPro: Shooting BMX Tricks with a Helmet-Mounted DSLR

French action sports photographer Hadrien Picard recently got in touch to share an old project he thought we might enjoy. We'll call it: life before there was GoPro—and it's the story of how Picard shot some unique (back then) BMX trick photos using a helmet-mounted DSLR.

This Photographer Made a Working Camera Lens Out of LEGO

Weird lens enthusiast and YouTuber Mathieu Stern has created another fun stay-at-home DIY lens while stuck in quarantine. This time it's a functional camera lens, complete with focusing mechanism, made almost entirely out of LEGO bricks.

How to Shoot an Epic Action Scene at Home Using Action Figures

Isaac Alvarez and the UNPLUG Production crew are back with another low-budget, high-quality photography tutorial. This time, they're showing you how easy it is to capture some epic "action scenes" from the comfort of self-isolation by using some action figures, sugar, and creative lighting.

Fro Knows Nothing: A Spot-On Parody of ‘Fro Knows Photo’

In a (mostly) loving parody created for April Fools' Day, photographer Vanessa Joy has put together a hilarious impersonation of Jared Polin—AKA Fro Knows Photo—by creating her own version of a "Photo News Fix" video... complete with fake fro.

I Used My Drone to Take Fun Portraits of People in Self-Isolation

Since we're all stuck inside and social distancing, I recently took out my drone and photographed people in their homes through their windows or on their terraces. It's a 100% zero-human-contact way to see how people are going crazy during quarantine times.

Refracted Rose: A Fun Valentine’s Day Macro Photography Idea

It's Valentine's Day and a good opportunity to grab some flowers and celebrate our love for photography with another creative project. I didn’t want to miss my chance, so I grabbed some red roses and in today’s post I will share my set-up for a Valentine's Day 'Refracted Rose' photo.

Dad Bod: Recreating Modern Senior Pictures with Dads as ‘Models’

One of the greatest joys in life as a father is the ability to embarrass our kids. Nothing makes us happier than throwing out some completely irrelevant and perfectly timed dad joke. Or maybe it’s the joys of embarrassing our teenage daughter while she's hanging out with her friends—that's the best time to bust a dance move, even if it’s in line at Chik-Fil-A.

5 Creative Photo ‘Hacks’ to Try with a Umbrella

Our friends over at COOPH have put together a fun video that might just inspire you to break out the umbrella for a fun photo shoot this weekend. The rapid-fire video goes through 5 creative photo "hacks" that you can do with a spare umbrella and a few other odds and ends like fairy lights, aluminum foil, and duct tape.